Earth Care

"The earth is the Lord’s..."

Earth Care Congregation

St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church is a certified Earth Care Congregation. This distinction is awarded annually by the Presbyterian Hunger Program and is designed to recognize churches that commit to taking seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.

This status speaks to the serious commitment that our Earth Care Team has made to care for God’s earth. To become an Earth Care Congregation, our Session affirmed an Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into our worship, education, facilities, and outreach.

About our Earth Care Team

In May 2023, our congregation formed an Earth Care Team committed to embracing a more sustainable way of life rooted in our faith and scripture. Periodically, we host educational events to deepen our understanding of important environmental issues, as well as, sponsor worship opportunities. We also gather in the community for clean-up events, to lend public witness surrounding environmental justice issues, and to savor the beauty around us.

The Earth Care Team meets monthly and stays connected virtually via the  Group feature within the SACPC mobile app.

Plastic Consumption & Pollution

A theological perspective on plastic

Creation Justice Ministries reminds us one place we will never find plastic is in the Bible. However, what we do find throughout scripture are the human conditions that lead us to our current plastic crisis.  

Our "plastic sin" is rooted in greed and idolatry. Idolatry occurs when we put other things in our lives only reserved for God. Our idolatry of "stuff" and desire for the latest, greatest, or the easiest and most convenient, separates us from knowing God fully.  

When we acknowledge these sins in our lives we can begin to work towards repentance.  As Paul reminds us in Philippians 4: 11 - 13 :
"… for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." [NRSV]
This passage is often taken out of context. Biblical scholars agree Paul likely wrote this letter in prison while waiting for his execution. Taken in its proper context, Paul has learned the "superhuman skill" of finding contentment in all of life's moments whether they are mountain-top highs, or deep, sorrow-filled valley lows. Our contentment will never come from consuming more stuff--lasting contentment comes from building relationships with people, creation, and God. 

Taking Action As A Spiritual Practice

Resource: Plastic Jesus from Creation Justice Ministries

Personal Actions

Reducing single-use plastics can be overwhelming if you try to do it all at once. Instead, focus each week or month on one area of your house--like the kitchen or bathroom.
Educate yourself on your personal plastic use. How much plastic do you use weekly? What happens to your plastic waste after you discard it? What percentage of recycling in your state is actually recycled?
Simpler ways to reduce single-use plastics are to bring reusable bags to stores. You can also begin to decline plastic straws and utensils at fast and fast casual dining places. Instead, carry reusable straws and utensils.

Community Actions

For community meals,  volunteer to wash reusable plates, cups, and utensils to limit the amount of disposable products like plastic foam plates, etc.  
Join a community cleanup in your neighborhoods or public spaces. Since we live so close to the ocean, it's important to keep litter from washing into the storm drains. These drains flow directly into the surrounding wetlands and ocean.
Advocate for your denomination or communion to completely divest from fossil fuel companies and petroleum companies, which are some of the largest producers of plastic products. One way to do this is to have your denomination support the Fossil Fuel Treaty, which you can learn more about at

Advocacy Actions

Visit for the latest advocacy opportunities.
1. State: In 2023, North Carolina lawmakers allowed a provision within the state budget that prohibits municipalities from banning the use of plastic bags and other "auxiliary containers". These bags not only hurt coastal communities but also cost waste management facilities a lot of money. Contact your local representatives and ask what action they plan to take to address plastic pollution and move toward a plastic-free future.
2. National: Urge your members of Congress to pass the REDUCE Act, a bill that would put a fee on the sale of new, virgin plastic resin used to make single-use products. This could begin a wave of positive change, shifting industries to use recycled plastics or alternatives when creating single-use products as well as funding plastic waste reduction and recycling projects. Click here to find your member of Congress.
3. International: Advocate for the U.S. government to sign onto the U.N. Environment Assembly resolution to end plastic pollution and create the world’s first global plastic pollution treaty by 2024. This legally binding agreement would address the full life cycle of plastic, from its production to its disposal. Additionally, this agreement would have significant implications for the economies of major plastic-producing countries, including the United States, India, China, and Japan. Sign's Global Plastic Treaty petition.

Earth Care Corner

The Education Sector of our Earth Care Team shares important environmental information in our weekly newsletter--Saints Alive. Click on the images below to read articles from the Earth Care Corner of our church newsletter.