Go & Serve

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve..."

Current Volunteer & Donation Opportunities

Donation Opportunities

Current Donation Drive 

Visit our weekly Saints Alive newsletter to see the latest information about current donation drives located under the Go & Serve tab.

5-Cents-A-Meal Offering

Every 2nd Sunday of the month we collect for our 5-Cents-A-Meal offering. Here's how it works:

Worshipers come forward during the first song/hymn and place your 5-cents offerings in the baskets located next to the Communion table.

This offering is part of the Centsability offering of the PCUSA. Money collected is sent to Presbytery, combined with offerings from other churches in the Presbytery, and used to fund hunger programs.

One program is the Malawi Street Kids program, providing nutrition for kids who live on the streets in Zomba, Malawi, Africa, and attend the CCAP school in the city. Presbytery sends a portion back to SACPC, who administers the program, along with a group from our partner church, Chuluchosema CCAP, outside of Zomba, and a local board of directors in Zomba.

Mercy Pouches

We distribute mercy pouches every year to the unsheltered in our community. These pouches provide snack nutrition and vital information on where to find resources in the Wilmington area regarding shelters, food banks and kitchens, other services. Last year, we distributed approximately 1,200 pouches. Thank you!!!

Items needed on a regular basis include the following:

  • Individual fruit and pudding cups
  • Tuna or chicken pouches
  • Water
  • Crackers
  • Band-aids
  • Gallon zip lock bags.  
Thank you again for your contributions and for distributing these pouches to our neighbors in need.  

Volunteer Opportunities At SACPC

Cooks Needed: SACPC has operated the "Unseen Guests Program" since 1983. This program provides food to a diverse group of individuals, ranging from financially or medically needy folks in our community to church members who are ill or no longer have the energy to prepare their own nutritious meals. There are many ways to participate in this ministry: as an individual cook, part of a team or occasional contributor. If interested, contact Gwen Behen for more details.
Physical Labor Volunteers Needed: SACPC's Shelter Care Ministry is a team of volunteers who gather on a Saturday afternoon to build wheelchair ramps and/or make minor shower modifications for those in our community needing assistance. This team coordinates with local public health officials,  churches, and medical services to identify residents in need of assistance.  Contact Palmer Sineath to learn about the next ramp build.
Clerical Volunteers Needed: SACPC joined the Little Free Library movement on July 29, 2018 with the dedication of the "Soar with Reading" LFL located on 15th St. beside the Carousel Center. We received so much support and book donations  SACPC now manages two LFL--the 15th St. location and an indoor bookcase located upstairs near the History Exhibits. The indoor LFL is available for teens and adults. Our Book Steward team manages both libraries. Volunteers select a month to manage the care of both LFLs. Contact Jennifer Waldrop for more details.
Coordination Volunteers Needed: The Bereavement Committee is looking for one or two more volunteers to help co-coordinate post-memorial service receptions at SACPC. This committee donates finger food-type refreshments as well as offers "hands on" support at the church for an hour or two to set up and manage the receptions. Contact Mary Farmer for more details.

Volunteer Opportunities With Our Community Partners

Volunteers Needed:  We regularly participate in Unity Build events with Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity.  View the volunteer calendar and join us as we help build homes for local families in our community. 
Tutors Needed: Saturday Academy is a tutoring program designed to help 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders from Title 1 schools with reading and math in preparation for the EOGs.  Beginning in January 2024, volunteers will meet two Saturday mornings a month, January through May, at Rachel Freeman School of Engineering, 2601 Princess Place Drive.

Not only will the students gain 1-to-1 tutoring, but also receive a hot breakfast and learn stress management techniques. The most important part of the experience for our students is knowing that one more person cares about their success … you’re the heart of the program!

Below is the Sign Up Genius link for more information and to sign up.  You can sign up for one session or more, whatever is convenient for you.  
Front Desk Greeters Needed: Our neighbors, the Carousel Center, provide a wide array of services to abused children and their families/caregivers. They need volunteers to serve as front desk greeters. Greeters at the Center serve 4-hour shifts from 9:00am - 1:00pm or 1:00pm - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday. For more information about the Greeter positions, see their website.
For over 35 years, victims of domestic violence and their children in New Hanover County and outlying areas have been provided a place of refuge when they needed it the most.  The Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. (DVSS) empowers the increasing numbers of victims and their families in our area to break the cycle of domestic violence by providing shelter and on-going support services.  Also, DVSS provides public awareness and prevention programs.

SACPC church member Carol Query is our liaison with DVSS.  This past August, she delivered a message in worship where she described details of this wonderful organization and our church’s relationship with it.  DVSS relies on the kind and generous support of individual donors, local businesses, community organizations, churches, philanthropic trusts, grants, as well as local, state and federal funding, and since its beginning SACPC has provided support.  The organization also locally operates three Vintage Value Resale Shops which provides a source of operating income.  

The array of services available to individuals and to their children include crisis intervention and emergency shelter, information and referral services, support groups, and children’s programs.  Before Hurricane Florence ravaged our city in 2018, DVSS clients were housed in a large, older home that provided several bedrooms and several bathrooms, sitting and dining areas, and a large kitchen.  After the storm, that house became uninhabitable because of fallen trees on the roof, collapsed ceilings, and flooded rooms.  Since that time, DVSS has housed clients in motel rooms and occasionally in small apartments that have space for children.  The exciting news is that just in the past few months, DVSS has purchased a permanent facility and has begun renovating it to move clients in at the beginning of 2023!  This new facility will be able to house 26 individuals and will have a meeting space, playroom, large kitchen and dining area, and a workout room.  That’s truly wonderful news for future clients who need a haven for themselves and perhaps their children.  

How can we as SACPC church family members support this invaluable resource to our community?  First, at least annually the Go and Serve Team collects needed items, but those items can also be delivered anytime directly to the main office (The Open Gate) located at 2901 Market Street.  The list of needed items can be found on the DVSS website at domesticviolence-wilm.org and includes household and personal care items, items for babies and children, non-perishable food items, and financial assistance via gas, food, and Walmart or Target gift cards.  Also, gently used clothing and household items can be donated to the Vintage Value Resale Shops, and volunteers are needed to work there.  

Hopefully, early in 2023 when the shelter has been established at its new location and CDC restrictions on food donations are lifted, SACPC members will also be able to once again provide weekly casseroles to clients who are there.  Stay tuned to communications to learn when this opportunity arises.  Lastly, if you know of someone who needs help, share with them the DVSS 24-hr crisis line phone number (910) 343-0703.
Clerical Support Volunteers Needed: The Help Hub, one of the ministries located at the Harrelson Center, provides emergency financial assistance to Wilmington area residents for help with rent, utilities, medications, car repairs, and other essential bills. They are looking for additional volunteers to serve as greeters, advisers, and data entry recorders. Volunteers typically do one or two three-hour shifts per months from 9:00AM - 12:00PM Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.