
"Bear one another's burdens..."

Accompany  One Another

At SACPC, our Session is made up of 18 Ruling Elders elected by the congregation, and our ordained ministers. The Pastor/Head of Staff acts as the moderator of Session and is supported by a Clerk of Session. The Session meets each month to discuss and make decisions about church ministry focus, policies, and to discuss comments, questions, and concerns shared by members of the congregation.

Members of Session

Clerk of Session
Jo Carpenter
Katherine Brandi, Assistant


Class of 2025
Beth Davis
Dax Hawkins
Ryan Johnson
Jack Richardson
Jason Swain
Nancy Trout
Class of 2026
Rosalind Barker
Jim Benson
John Frye
Dave Hoff
Chris Johnston
Steve Miller
Class of 2027
Jim Brumit
Jane Davis
Virginia Hager
Wilbur Jones, Jr.
Julian March
Jennifer Rigby


Class of 2025:
Kathryn Ciarrocca
Jeff Denlinger (co-moderator)
Carol McGowan
Carol Query
Terry Wilson
Sheila Woods (co-moderator)
Class of 2026:
George Bridger
Nancy Brown
Ann Danchak
Rebecca Jernigan
Sue Messina
Julie Miller
Linda Smith
Jim Williams
Class of 2027:
Sarah Anderson
Randy Barrow
Lil Conley
David Donovan
Randy Warner

Contact Session Members

The SACPC Session is here for you. Let us know how we can help.