Adult christian
formation & Education

Sunday Morning Opportunities

At SACPC we believe that Christian formation is a lifelong process that engages our hearts and minds. Come and learn with us! You do not need to be a “member” of a class, or of our church, in order to attend a class that interests you. All classes meet on the second floor at 10:00 am every Sunday.

Questions? Contact Sue McCaffray for more information.

10:00 am Sunday School

Evans-Feezor Men’s Bible Study

Room 215

Men’s small group fellowship taught by Steve Miller, using The Present Word curriculum.

Living Faith

Room 214

Co-ed class for men and women using the PC(USA) curriculum called Feasting on the Word, which is also used by our children and youth so that families can share their lessons at home. The curriculum follows the Lectionary and most sermon topics. Taught by Kent Anderson and Sue McCaffray. 


Room 240 & via Zoom

Co-ed class for men and women dedicated to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. The class examines the scriptures, explores the times in which they were written, discovers the timeless truths in the WORD for our society/world today, and finds personal life applications. Currently studying the book, Troublesome Bible Passages by Douglas E. Wingeier and David Lowes Watson.

Walking in the Word

Room 236 & via Zoom

Co-ed class for men and women taught primarily by Randy Barrow, which examines different books of the Bible in depth. Currently studying the book of Daniel.

Weekday Bible Studies & Groups

Companions in Christ

Mondays at 10:00 am

Women's Bible study meets from September to late May.  Group studies various books of the Bible and Biblical topics with a strong focus on deepening personal relationships with God through personal reflections and encouraging each other's faith journeys. Contact Linda Smith to learn more.


Mondays at 5:00 pm

Stillpoint is a women's small group seeking spiritual growth by means of contemplative study and reflection. Now reading Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller. Contact Lynn Kozik for the Zoom link.

More Than a Story

Tuesdays at 10:00 am

Meets in person on Tuesdays. A hands-on, spirited, fellowship-rich, participants-led women's Bible study. All are welcome.

Joe Mitchell Men’s Bible Study

Wednesdays at 7:00 am

Weekly men’s class meeting via Zoom on Wednesdays. We also meet once a month in person, for breakfast at church.  Contact Gary Smith to be added to this group.

Camilla Herlevich Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00 am

Women’s group studying various aspects of scripture and the Christian life. Contact Kay Hein for more information.

Join a class.

Connect with one of our faith leaders. Fill out the form below to get started.