Lent 2025:
Everything In Between

Meeting God in the midst of extremes...

Our theme for Lent is "Everything In Between." It seems that we are becoming increasingly divided as a people and often within ourselves. Join us as we make sense of the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed.  Each week, we will use the Gospel of Luke to wrestle with concepts often considered opposites, like “rest & growth" or “grief & hope."  We might find that God is present in between these extremes.

About the Logo

The two hands reaching toward each other represent our longing for connection despite the politics, assumptions, beliefs, and narratives that often divide us. The hands look as if they are reaching in for a handshake, but they are paused just before they connect. The negative space in between the hands creates the shape of a doorway, symbolizing hospitality or a pathway forward. The doorway invites us to look for God in the spaces in between.

The “in” is bracketed, emphasizing the promise that God shows up in surprising ways and unexpected places, but is present in it all. 
This curriculum series is provided by Sanctified Art.

Artist's Walk

Connecting Creatively through Scripture

Our Spiritual Life Team has put together an art series for reflection during Lent.  Starting with Ash Wednesday, each week you’ll see a new and different artwork presented in the Narthex at the main door to the sanctuary.  These pieces, in different mediums and styles, are created by artists or shared by individuals within our congregation.

Each week, in our Saints Alive newsletter you’ll find a teaser of sorts — a word from the guest artist and a small view into their work that will be presented later in full that Sunday. We hope these pieces will encourage a moment of reflection at the door, and that they will enrich your worship in a visual way throughout Lent. 

Opportunities to Grow Your Faith

Lenten Devotionals

Everything [in] Between Daily Devotional

This devotional fully aligns with our Lent sermon series and follows Jesus through Luke’s Gospel. It includes weekly reflections with art, hymns, poetry, commentary, and reflection prompts. We encourage you to engage in the weekly art and reflections at your own pace, imagining where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This Lent, we're trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between. Print copies available upon request.

Tread Lightly for Lent Daily Reflection Calendar

The Presbyterian Hunger Program provides an action oriented reflection calendar which encourages people to make more sustainable choices that restore and protect all of God’s children and Creation. As people of faith, we seek to “serve and preserve” God’s world. Our hope is that this Lenten calendar will be the beginning of actions intended to create more mindful behaviors throughout the year.

One Great Hour of Sharing Calendar

PC(USA)'s One Great Hour of Sharing special offerings program offers this daily calendar containing activities, reflection questions or prayers to do each day during Lent. This is a great resource to use in an intergenerational setting or with children.

Prayer  & Bible Study

Prayer Stations

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The Chapel
The Youth Ministry will provide prayer stations in The Chapel on Ash Wednesday. Open for participation from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm (prior to and following the Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm). Each prayer station is a self-guided opportunity to encounter prayer in several different, tangible forms.

Lenten SermonShapers

Every Wednesday  (MAR 12 - APR 9)
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Kardia Rm 224
Our POPS after dinner programs during Lent will tackle a handful of well-known stories from Luke's gospel that will be Katie's sermon texts for the coming Sunday. Join us at 6:30 pm in Kardia Rm 224 as we help shape these sermons, pondering what it means to encounter God [in] between the extremes. We will use the scripture passages and a devotional guide. This weekly Bible study is led by Katie Harrington and Sue McCaffray. Dinner is offered in Brown Hall at 5:30 pm. 

Lenten Holy Happenings