High School & Adult Music Ministry
Adult Choir ( Ages 18+ )
- This group sings larger works, Choral music
- No need to read music
- Rehearses Wednesday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
- Presents music at 11:00 am worship service every Sunday in Sanctuary and during special services (Christmas, Easter)
- Opportunities to solo upon request.
- Conducted by Angela Burns.
Instrumentalists ( All Ages)
- Opportunities for all to play any/all instruments during worship. No instrument is off the table
- If you play an instrument and would like to be featured during worship please contact our Director of Music, Cindy Litzinger.
Adult Handbells
( High School - Adult )
- This lively group of adults ring music ranging from intermediate to advanced levels. While basic music reading ability is necessary, prior handbell experience is not necessary to join our group.
- This group rehearses Wednesday evenings 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm August through May. Conducted by Cindy Litzinger