SACPC Weekly Updates for July 30 - Aug. 6, 2024
Sunday, August 4, 2024
11th Sunday after Pentecost
This Sunday
“Lagniappe, Stories and the Spirit”
Rev. Dr. Jerry Bron, guest speaker
Rev. Dr. Jerry Bron is our guest speaker this week with sermon text coming from John 16:4-18, and Matthew 13:10-17. Stories are told by Jesus but why? The Spirit moves among us where the Spirit wills to move and often to bring the bonus into our lives. Stories!
Previous Contemporary Worship
Previous Traditional Worship
GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes
June Financial Highlight
Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community.
As of the end of June, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $132,109. So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.
As of the end of June, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $132,109. So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.
Financial updates will be provided each month. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,
A New Bible Study Opportunity
“LET JUSTICE ROLL DOWN: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation”
By Katherine Brandi, Beth Cherry and Colleen Holliday
Are we pretending to be invincible? We are called to care for creation not only because the earth and its members belong to God, but also because a healthy creation sustains human well-being. Calls to care for society’s least powerful members resound throughout Scripture. Stories of environmental injustice may have different zip codes with headlines from different news outlets but they often have a connecting thread: increased monetary gain at the expense of the health and well-being of marginalized populations (“environmental racism”). We are all connected and when our neighbors are oppressed, all are oppressed. Those marginalized people and places are where Jesus went with his ministry to bring hope and healing. We are called to work for a world that values relationships and connectedness over individual achievements and the bottom line. We are called to come together to work for each person’s freedom and for the flourishing of the earth. It is difficult to live up to this expectation of God to care for the earth and each other. Our hope is that this study will aid us in understanding the care we should be providing to people and our environment.
All are welcome to join our Presbyterian Women (PW) Bible Study; “Let Justice Roll Down; God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation.” This Bible study was written by the Rev. Dr. Patricia K. Tull who is a Rhodes Professor Emerita of Hebrew Bible at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She is a published author about the ecological crisis in “Inhabiting Eden; Christians, the Bible and the Ecological Crisis”.
Our faithful Bible Study facilitator, Beth Cherry, is joined this year by other expert facilitators who will be sharing their expertise and time with us. At the end of the study, we hope to become a fuller version of ourselves, viewing nature as God’s creation and recognizing our responsibilities to care for it and each other.
The tentative agenda for 2024-2025 is as follows:
Classes are held in the Dining room at 10:00 am. Each lesson is repeated three times.
SEP 10, 11, 12: Environmental Justice, facilitated by Peggy Hayes
OCT 8, 9, 10: Land Justice, facilitated by Beth Cherry
NOV 12, 13 14: Food Justice, facilitated by Lynn Atkinson
DEC 10, 11, 12: Water Justice, facilitated by Emily Donovan
JAN 8, 9, 14: Air Quality, facilitated by Gwen Behen
FEB 11, 12, 13: Climate Change, facilitated by Beth Cherry
MAR 11, 12, 13: Economic Climate Justice, facilitated by Emily Donovan
APR 8, 9, 10: Intergenerational Justice, facilitated by the Rev. Barbara Hager
MAY 13, 14, 15: Sustaining Creation’s Health for All, facilitated by Beth Cherry
Join us on any of these days listed above. Since each topic is repeated three times per month, you may choose whichever best meets your schedule. Perhaps we may find some stepping stones helpful in guiding us to our goal of using measures effectively as advocates of environmental health. Each step we take matters. We can only survive if nature thrives
All are welcome to join our Presbyterian Women (PW) Bible Study; “Let Justice Roll Down; God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation.” This Bible study was written by the Rev. Dr. Patricia K. Tull who is a Rhodes Professor Emerita of Hebrew Bible at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She is a published author about the ecological crisis in “Inhabiting Eden; Christians, the Bible and the Ecological Crisis”.
Our faithful Bible Study facilitator, Beth Cherry, is joined this year by other expert facilitators who will be sharing their expertise and time with us. At the end of the study, we hope to become a fuller version of ourselves, viewing nature as God’s creation and recognizing our responsibilities to care for it and each other.
The tentative agenda for 2024-2025 is as follows:
Classes are held in the Dining room at 10:00 am. Each lesson is repeated three times.
SEP 10, 11, 12: Environmental Justice, facilitated by Peggy Hayes
OCT 8, 9, 10: Land Justice, facilitated by Beth Cherry
NOV 12, 13 14: Food Justice, facilitated by Lynn Atkinson
DEC 10, 11, 12: Water Justice, facilitated by Emily Donovan
JAN 8, 9, 14: Air Quality, facilitated by Gwen Behen
FEB 11, 12, 13: Climate Change, facilitated by Beth Cherry
MAR 11, 12, 13: Economic Climate Justice, facilitated by Emily Donovan
APR 8, 9, 10: Intergenerational Justice, facilitated by the Rev. Barbara Hager
MAY 13, 14, 15: Sustaining Creation’s Health for All, facilitated by Beth Cherry
Join us on any of these days listed above. Since each topic is repeated three times per month, you may choose whichever best meets your schedule. Perhaps we may find some stepping stones helpful in guiding us to our goal of using measures effectively as advocates of environmental health. Each step we take matters. We can only survive if nature thrives
Wednesday Programs Return Sept. 11th
Join us this fall for new and favorite programs beginning Wednesday, September 11th.
12: 30 pm Sermon Shapers Bible Study
Bring your lunch and join Rev. Harrington for a Bible study on the sermon text for the week. We'll explore the connection of life and Scripture together.
4:30 pm M&M (Music & More)
Students in Grades K - 5th gather on the 15th St. Lawn at 4:30 pm then split up into groups for the "Music" and "More" portions. The theme of the "More" portion this fall will be "GOD'S TEAM: THE BODY OF CHRIST." Students will explore the various ways we can work together as God's Team to be the Body of Christ in the world. Teamwork is the key to using our gifts together to spread God's love in this hurting world.
5:30 pm POPS Meal
Share a delicious meal with your church family every Wednesday evening. Dinner is served in Brown Hall from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. The cost is $25/family of 5+, $7/adult, and $5/children under 12.
6:30 pm POPS Programs
Did you know that POPS stands for Preparing Our People for Service?? Every Wednesday from Sept. 11th through Nov. 13th we will offer a different topic for discussion or exploration.
6:30 pm D-Groups
Students in Grades 6th - 12th gather every other week at The HUB for games, fellowship, and Bible Study. Meeting dates this fall include SEP 11 & 25, OCT 9 & 23, NOV 6 & 20.
6:30 pm Handbells
NOTE: Adult Handbells begin fall rehearsals on September 4th. Meet in Handbell Rm 200. See Cindy Litzinger for more details.
7:30 pm Adult Choir
NOTE: Adult Choir begins fall rehearsals on September 4th. Meet in Choir Rm 202. See Angela Burns for more details.
12: 30 pm Sermon Shapers Bible Study
Bring your lunch and join Rev. Harrington for a Bible study on the sermon text for the week. We'll explore the connection of life and Scripture together.
4:30 pm M&M (Music & More)
Students in Grades K - 5th gather on the 15th St. Lawn at 4:30 pm then split up into groups for the "Music" and "More" portions. The theme of the "More" portion this fall will be "GOD'S TEAM: THE BODY OF CHRIST." Students will explore the various ways we can work together as God's Team to be the Body of Christ in the world. Teamwork is the key to using our gifts together to spread God's love in this hurting world.
5:30 pm POPS Meal
Share a delicious meal with your church family every Wednesday evening. Dinner is served in Brown Hall from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. The cost is $25/family of 5+, $7/adult, and $5/children under 12.
6:30 pm POPS Programs
Did you know that POPS stands for Preparing Our People for Service?? Every Wednesday from Sept. 11th through Nov. 13th we will offer a different topic for discussion or exploration.
6:30 pm D-Groups
Students in Grades 6th - 12th gather every other week at The HUB for games, fellowship, and Bible Study. Meeting dates this fall include SEP 11 & 25, OCT 9 & 23, NOV 6 & 20.
6:30 pm Handbells
NOTE: Adult Handbells begin fall rehearsals on September 4th. Meet in Handbell Rm 200. See Cindy Litzinger for more details.
7:30 pm Adult Choir
NOTE: Adult Choir begins fall rehearsals on September 4th. Meet in Choir Rm 202. See Angela Burns for more details.
POPS Programs This Fall
by Sue McCaffray
POPS = Preparing Our People for Service. Your staff is busy assembling a full plate of programming each Wednesday night after dinner (6:30 pm - 7:30 pm) from Sept. 11 through Nov. 13. Several programs will be hosted by our Let's Talk About It team, which will lift up the "Great Ends of the Church" as we consider together how the church carries out its witness in challenging times. We will hear from our Malawi visitors, from our own Olivia Phelps about her summer work with the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness, from the local Church World Service which works with refugee families, and even about how to sign up for insurance in our Medicare years! Mark your calendar and join your church family on Wednesday nights this fall. See our mobile app for more details.
Thursday Night Disciples Returns!
by Sue McCaffray
All are welcome to join our ZOOM group this fall, September 26th - November 7th from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, as we dig into N.T. Wright's "Surprised by Hope." We have some assigned scripture and book reading each week and join online to view a brief video and discuss our readings. Contact Dave Hoff for information or to sign up.
Save The Date | Rally Day Kick Off Is Sept. 8th
by Jen Phelps
Come celebrate the end of summer and get plugged in with all the things happening in and with SACPC this fall! There will be food, games, prizes, and a special mission project. Find your people and maybe your purpose in serving in our ministries.
Ministry Leaders: Interested in advertising / showcasing your church ministry at this event? Email Jen Phelps ASAP to reserve your space.
Ministry Leaders: Interested in advertising / showcasing your church ministry at this event? Email Jen Phelps ASAP to reserve your space.
Registration Open For Fall Mission Trip
by Kathy Denlinger
The 2024 Adult Mission Trip is ‘inked’ on the SACPC calendar. Please read this invitation and prayerfully consider if it should be on yours! The Mission Trip is from Sunday, Oct 27th (commissioning at 9:00 a.m. service) through Wednesday, Oct 30th and will be based at Camp Kirkwood, in Watha, NC, about one hour from our church.
The Go & Serve Team is collaborating with local ministries to finalize work projects during the day that will include both ‘hearty’ labor (ramps, carpentry) and ‘less hearty’ labor (cleaning, painting, gardening), thus anticipating work for adults of all skill levels.
Lodging will be in two climate-controlled cabins – one for men and one for women. Each day will be spent working at various job sites. The evenings include dinners, Bible Study, and fellowship at beautiful Camp Kirkwood.
The cost is $100 per person to cover housing and a shared evening meal. You are welcome to work with us during the days without spending the evenings at Kirkwood; however, we encourage committing to the entire trip in order to gain the maximum spiritual and fellowship benefits.
Please prayerfully consider joining us as we live out SACPC’s mission of “staying faithfully present in our community.” We'll be serving our less fortunate neighbors while having fun inspiring each other spiritually.
The Go & Serve Team is collaborating with local ministries to finalize work projects during the day that will include both ‘hearty’ labor (ramps, carpentry) and ‘less hearty’ labor (cleaning, painting, gardening), thus anticipating work for adults of all skill levels.
Lodging will be in two climate-controlled cabins – one for men and one for women. Each day will be spent working at various job sites. The evenings include dinners, Bible Study, and fellowship at beautiful Camp Kirkwood.
The cost is $100 per person to cover housing and a shared evening meal. You are welcome to work with us during the days without spending the evenings at Kirkwood; however, we encourage committing to the entire trip in order to gain the maximum spiritual and fellowship benefits.
Please prayerfully consider joining us as we live out SACPC’s mission of “staying faithfully present in our community.” We'll be serving our less fortunate neighbors while having fun inspiring each other spiritually.
Rev. Katherine B. Harrington Vacation Time
by Catheryn Thomas
Rest was an important part of Jesus' ministry. We all need time away from our responsibilities to rest and recuperate - and that is especially true for pastors! From July 22nd - August 3rd, Katie will be on vacation with her family. She will be back in worship on August 4th, assisting Rev. Dr. Jerry Bron, who will be our guest preacher that day. For Katie to be fully present with her family during this time Gary Smith and Ann Benson will be available to assist with pastoral care during Katie's vacation. May you also find God's peace and rest in times of Sabbath this summer!
"How can I talk to my neighbor
who thinks differently than I do?"
by Sue McCaffray
Many are asking questions like this as we head into the heart of our political season. This past spring our Let's Talk About It sessions gave us two practical answers. We learned that Ephesians 4 provides many concrete steps we can take within and outside the church, and these can be summed up by three big words: humility, kindness, and patience. We also received wisdom from therapist Ben Rigby who provided Seven Guidelines for Constructive Conversations that Build Relationships. Let's dust those off as we talk and listen our way through the coming months! Click the download button below to read the guidelines.
Habitat Tours
by Gary Smith
HabiTours are a chance to take a fun and interesting behind the scenes look at Cape Fear Habitat. You’ll have a chance to tour the warehouse, meet staff and learn more about the process of building affordable housing and how you can be part of it!
Beginning August 14th, HabiTours will take place regularly on the second Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:00 pm for individuals and groups of up to 12. Lunch will be provided. For larger groups or to schedule a special tour date, contact
Beginning August 14th, HabiTours will take place regularly on the second Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:00 pm for individuals and groups of up to 12. Lunch will be provided. For larger groups or to schedule a special tour date, contact
In Other News...
Holy Happenings @ SACPC
Family Pool Party **Date Changed!**
Family Pool Party
AUG 1 | 6:00 pm
The Thompson Pool
AUG 1 | 6:00 pm
The Thompson Pool
JOIN US for a Family Pool Party! This event is for Children & Youth ministry families. Come when you can, leave when you must. Snacks will be provided (not dinner).
Parents/Guardians-- don't drop off - DROP IN! We want parents to hang out and enjoy fellowship and connection with other SACPC families (and swimming, if you would like). Why should the kids get to have all of the fun this summer???
Parents/Guardians-- don't drop off - DROP IN! We want parents to hang out and enjoy fellowship and connection with other SACPC families (and swimming, if you would like). Why should the kids get to have all of the fun this summer???
Banned Book Club for All
Banned Book Club for All
AUG 7 | 7:00 pm
AUG 7 | 7:00 pm
Our next Banned Book Club book is Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You; A Remix of the National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning (AGES 12 & UP). We will meet in person this time at The HUB for discussion and desserts. Amy Stuart will be leading our discussion. We are welcoming any that want to be included, but we are reading the young adult version recommended for ages 12 and up. Parents are encouraged to read the book along with their students!
Back To School Blessings on Aug. 25th
Back to School Blessings
AUG 25 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am
AUG 25 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am
On Sunday, August 25th, at 9:00 am and 11:00 am worship services, we will bless our teachers and students as they return to school. While we always hold you in our prayers throughout the school year we want to take this opportunity to bless the beginning of another school year for those who teach and those who are receiving the gift of teaching.
Vigilant Hope Pancake Breakfast
Vigilant Hope Pancake Breakfast
AUG 31 | 7:45 am
Forest Lake Baptist Church
AUG 31 | 7:45 am
Forest Lake Baptist Church
Join us the last Saturday of even months as SACPC volunteers prepare and enjoy breakfast with our neighbors at Vigilant Hope. There are many ways to serve--with your time or your donations. Click the link below to sign up or see the supply list. See Jen Phelps for more details.
Brown Hall Renovations Dedication
Brown Hall Renovation Dedication
SEP 22 | 10:00 am
Brown Hall
SEP 22 | 10:00 am
Brown Hall
Join us for breakfast and a dedication of our newly-renovated Brown Hall! We will enjoy a time of fellowship and gratitude for the generous gift the Rudisill family gave in honor of Debbie as we dedicate Brown Hall to the glory of God.
Fall Festival Block Party
Fall Festival Block Party
OCT 19 | 3:00 pm
Church Grounds
OCT 19 | 3:00 pm
Church Grounds
Save the Date for our Fall Festival! We are joining with The Block tenants to put on a festival for the community including food, games, and a Trunk-or-Treat! More info coming soon. See Ann Danchak for details.
Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith
August Donation Drive
This month children in our county are either getting ready to return to school or, in the case of our year-round schools, are already in the classroom. For some of those children, the beginning of school means a return to regular meals, community, and much more stability than they’ve had during the summer. Once school starts, many of these children will be provided with free breakfasts and lunches, but snacks that they can either eat during or after school are also important. Some of you may not be aware that teachers often purchase such snacks themselves. Please prayerfully consider helping fill these students' bellies this month. Donations needed:
Donations may be delivered to the table in the 15th Street lobby. Thank you!
- granola bars
- fruit or applesauce cups
- individually-packaged crackers
- pudding cups
- small water bottles or juice pouches
Donations may be delivered to the table in the 15th Street lobby. Thank you!
Children | Contact Lynn Warner
Children Events
Youth | Contact Jen Phelps
YOUTH End of Summer Party at Bill's
As summer winds down - join us at Bill Landen's house for walking tacos and lots of water fun. Friends are welcome, dress prepared to get wet!
Youth Events
CareLine Updates as of July 30, 2024
The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.
Psalm 29:11
Psalm 29:11
We Celebrate:
The birth of Page and Larry Tootoo’s 15th grandchild, Losefa (pronounced yo-sefa), born on July 26th to Gabriel and Ana Tootoo. The family lives in Towson, Maryland.
We Grieve:
Jodie Smith died July 17th. A memorial service was held on July 27th.
Sam Clemons, grandson of the late Bob and Louise Clemons, died July 18th. A service was held on July 27th.
Sam Clemons, grandson of the late Bob and Louise Clemons, died July 18th. A service was held on July 27th.
We Pray:
Brazilian Pastor Nonato’s wife Laura is undergoing biological treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and has completed one month of a three-month regime of treatment.
Sheila Moore has covid.
Alice Martin had cardiac testing last week which showed mitral valve damage and also a cardioversion.
Sheila Moore has covid.
Alice Martin had cardiac testing last week which showed mitral valve damage and also a cardioversion.
Service Personnel:
Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA), Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City), Patrick Falvey (Landstuhl Military Medical Center, Germany)
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Ann Benson or call 910.762.9693 x202 to leave a message.
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Ann Benson or call 910.762.9693 x202 to leave a message.
Birthday Celebrations | JUL 30 - AUG 6, 2024
July 30: Miranda Dungan, Joseph Gray, Jerrod Lowry
July 31: Pen Galloway
August 1: Beth Davis, Bill Gwathmey
August 2: Kelly Hawkins, Eric Pilson, Paula Sneeden
August 3: Jason Swain, Lyda Williams
August 4: Linda Bron
August 5: Nancy Brown, Mac Lathan, Jonathan Messina, Ashley Snyder
August 6: Betty Brown, Katie Harrington, Shanley Hunt
July 31: Pen Galloway
August 1: Beth Davis, Bill Gwathmey
August 2: Kelly Hawkins, Eric Pilson, Paula Sneeden
August 3: Jason Swain, Lyda Williams
August 4: Linda Bron
August 5: Nancy Brown, Mac Lathan, Jonathan Messina, Ashley Snyder
August 6: Betty Brown, Katie Harrington, Shanley Hunt
View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
Ann Benson
910-762-9693 x202
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For calendar reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
Ann Benson
910-762-9693 x202
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For calendar reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
SACPC Weekly Updates for Jan. 21 - 28, 2025
January 21st, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Jan. 14 - 21, 2025
January 14th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Jan. 7 - 14, 2025
January 7th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Dec. 30, 2024 - Jan. 7, 2025
December 23rd, 2024
SACPC Weekly Updates for Dec. 23 - 30, 2024
December 23rd, 2024