SACPC Weekly Updates for Oct. 8 - 15, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

21st Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday

Meeting God in the Neighborhood

Rev. Katherine B. Harrington
This Sunday, we will continue our Mr. Roger's theme and explore how we meet God in unexpected ways and unexpected neighbors, right in our own neighborhood. Text will come from Genesis 18:1-11 and Acts 16:9-15. We will also collect our 5 cents a meal offering and have a moment for mission. At 10:50 am, we will have a congregational meeting to elect new officers.

Previous Contemporary Worship

Previous Traditional Worship

We Want To Know

Spotlight on a Saint

Good Shepherd Partnership Happenings

by Kathy Denlinger
While in Wilmington, our Malawi friends, Pastor Silas and Pastor Joseph, took time to visit our local partner, the Good Shepherd Center. Katrina Knight, Executive Director, shared how their mission is changing lives in our community, and highlighted the value and longevity of the SACPC partnership. Good Shepherd was blessed by our generous September Go & Serve food donations to support our neighbors in need. THANK YOU for all you do.


Congregational Meeting THIS Sunday!

by Katie Harrington
There will be a congregational meeting at 10:50 am in the sanctuary on Sunday, October 13th for the purpose of electing new officers.

Looking for Trunk or Treat Vehicles

by Lynn Warner
Would you be interested in having your car, SUV, or van be part of our Fall Festival as a Trunk or Treat Vehicle? We have five sets of decorations for five vehicles and we would be willing to help provide candy or prizes for you to give out at your vehicle. The Fall Festival is on Sunday, Oct. 20th from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm on the 15th St. Lawn. Contact Lynn Warners for details.

Banned Book Club For All | November Book Pick

by Youth Ministry Team
Our Banned Book club will be reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. This book is recommended for ages 11 and up and won a National Book Award. Amy Stuart (who has won our hearts) will again be leading our discussion. For more details, contact Amy.

Children's Library Has New Books!

by Lynn Warner
Many thanks to Betty Feezor for the wonderful new books for our Children's Library! Just a reminder that the Children's Library is now downstairs in the Temple Room. There are many wonderful books for children and youth available! Come and check it out. There is a sign on the shelf indicating NEW BOOKS! You are welcome to borrow books by signing them out on the clipboard on the small green table. Read and enjoy and return the books when you have finished. HAPPY READING!

God is in the Mess!

by Sue McCaffray
On a beautiful late September weekend twenty-two SACPC pilgrims gathered at Trinity Conference Center on Emerald Isle for a Spiritual Life retreat led by Pastor Rachel Doll. We dug into powerful stories by Jesus in Mark 4 and 5 to focus on the many ways that God is present with us in every circumstance.

Rachel provided many materials for hands on prayer, small group sharing, and large group shenanigans. You should have seen us play human Foosball with nerf balls and pool noodles! We also took time apart to soak up the beautiful ocean and woodland scenery, and to enjoy each other's company under the stars each evening.

Rachel led our final worship service with a joyful celebration of the Lord's Supper. We came home encouraged by the Holy Spirit and the sweet bond of church fellowship, assured that God is always present in whatever mess we may be experiencing.

Final Registration for Fall Mission Trip

by Kathy Denlinger
A team of adults from SACPC will be traveling to the Wallace/Watha, NC area from October 27th - 30th to spend four days helping local families with home repairs, much of damage remnant from Hurricanes Florence and Mathew. As we pray and look for ways to support Hurricane Helena victims, please consider joining our Fall Mission Trip team. Click the button below for more details and to register.

The Resumption of Casseroles for the Domestic Violence Shelter Clients

by Carol Query
38 years ago the Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. (DVSS) was founded to empower victims and their families to break the cycle of domestic violence. Several members of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church (SACPC) were among those “founding mothers” whose work with DVSS continued throughout their lives.

One program initiated years ago by a SACPC member was the delivery of a weekly casserole to the shelter where the clients were housed. Until COVID, this program flourished with other churches and civic organizations following the lead of SACPC. However, with the arrival of COVID, the NHC Health Department forbade “home prepared” food to be delivered to the clients. Thus, SACPC casseroles being delivered abruptly stopped.

When the school supplies collected from the SACPC members were delivered to the Open Gate in August 2024, I initiated the conversation about a casserole prepared by a SACPC member being delivered on a weekly basis. As I expected, my suggestion was welcomed with overwhelming enthusiasm.

Hence, the “Resumption of Casseroles for the Domestic Violence Shelter Clients” has resumed after details about delivery date and location were resolved. To date, several casseroles have been delivered on a weekly basis.

For those of you interested in preparing a casserole, the program will operate as it did in the past:

  1. The “cook” will pick up a 13 x 9 aluminum pan AND lid from the cabinet next to the freezer in the mail room near the dining room and gathering area. 
  2. Prepare a casserole at home – one that is “child-friendly” since most of the clients have children. The casserole should be completely cooked so the clients only need to defrost it and reheat it. 
  3. On the lid of the casserole should be printed or typed on a label (A) the name of the casserole, (B) the date it was prepared, and (C) specific directions on reheating the casserole. 
  4. PLEASE take the prepared casserole to the church on the Sunday of the week you chose OR on Monday or Tuesday, if doing so is more convenient to your personal schedule. 
  5. The casserole should be placed on one of the two lower shelves of the freezer in the mail room. 
  6. I will deliver a prepared casserole to the Open Gate every Wednesday of the weeks noted below. 

Available dates are: October 20th, November 3rd, November 17th, December 1st, December 8th, December 15th, and January 6th, 2025.  

Once you have made your decision of the date(s) you will prepare a casserole(s), you may email me the date(s) or call me at 910-470-3127.  If I do not answer, you may leave me a message.

Since the program will continue through 2025, if there is a Sunday in January or February when you could drop off a casserole, please let me know, and I will put your name on my calendar.

Thanks so much for participating in one of the most important outreach endeavors of SACPC – that of feeding our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Carol Query
DVSS Casserole Chairman
SACPC Go and Serve Committee

What's In Session?

September 2024 Update

by Shelley Hobson
Ryan Johnson opened the meeting with a message and prayer about managing stress, anxiety with the help of prayer.

Each month the Session participates in Ends Education, which is a review and analysis of our ends or goals. Beth Davis presented a recap of our early September retreat during which Elders were surveyed about distribution of responsibilities between the Session and staff of the church. Before we analyze the results, we decided to survey the staff, as well. Session and staff results will go to the Strategic Planning Committee for further study and recommendations.

Session approved scheduling a 10/13/2024 Congregational Meeting to elect Officers, Class of 2027 at 10:50 a.m., prior to 11:00 worship service.

Beth Cherry and Lynn Atkinson will serve as delegates to the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina Meeting on 10/4/24.

The Finance Committee presented the 2025 asking budget for discussion and approval by the Session. Finance Committee chair Hugh Caison and Treasurer Ed Hobson explained assumptions for the budget (including a decrease in non-pledge giving for 2024), which the Finance Committee recommends be set at $1,725,000. The asking budget was approved and is subject to change, depending on the success of the upcoming stewardship campaign.

The Session will have a called meeting on 10/20/24 to receive new members.

Reverend Harrington reported that the Brown Hall dedication was a fitting celebration.

Tom Malisher is the new Sexton.

Jeff Krebbs is the acting Facilities Manager, and interviews are being held for this position as Jeff will be leaving to take a new job at the end of this year.

Ann Benson is retiring at the end of September. Elders are encouraged to keep Reverend Harrington apprised of congregational care and spiritual needs as SACPC discerns a new way forward regarding congregational care.

Jen Phelps begins her six week sabbatical on 9/30/24.

Jack Richardson provided an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee update as the committee continues its work. He asked that we continue to pray that the candidate of God’s choosing will be led to our church.

This is “Malawi Week” with Abusas Silas Ncozana and Joseph Maganga visiting and participating in the life of our church.  Joseph joined the meeting at the end to offer a closing prayer.

Hurricane Disaster Relief

by Katie Harrington
If you would like to contribute to recent hurricane relief efforts, you may do so through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA):
As always, 100% of your PDA donations will go to disaster relief efforts. PDA is ready to provide rapid response and immediate relief to all impacted areas. In the coming days, weeks, and months, there will be many opportunities to respond to recovery efforts. SACPC will be seeking ways to respond as a church, as well.

Holy Happenings @ SACPC 

"Let Justice Roll Down" Study Lesson Two

Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study
OCT 8, 9, or 10 |10:00 am

Dining Rm
.For October, Beth Cherry will facilitate this Bible study on Land Justice using scripture from Genesis 2:7; Leviticus 25:23; 25; 26-27; 28; Deuteronomy 20:16-18; Joshua 6; 1 Kings 21: 1-16; Psalm 24: 1-2; Isaiah 5:8. Scriptural accounts of divinely ordered conquest and laws of Jubilee that support the rights of individual landowners stand in tension but are rooted in the perception that all the earth is God’s.

The same lesson will be given on October 8th, 9th or 10th at 10:00 am in the Dining Rm. All are welcome to join this church-wide Bible study sponsored by the Presbyterian Women. Contact Katherine Brandi for more details.

POPS Goes to the Movies!

Documentary Screening: "Wont' You Be My Neighbor?"
OCT 9 | 6:30 pm
Brown Hall
This Wednesday, immediately following dinner, we will gather in Brown Hall to watch a 90-minute documentary film about the life and work of Mr. Rogers, a.k.a. Rev. Fred Rogers. Please join us! Bring your slippers and popcorn! We will meet the following Wed. (Oct. 16th) to talk about what we saw. If you would like to view the film on your own it is available on Netflix, Prime, and Apple TV: Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018). Please note: this is not the feature film with Tom Hanks.

Membership Exploration Class

Membership Exploration Class
OCT 13 | 10:00 am

Dining Rm
Are you interested in learning more about SACPC and/or becoming a member? Join us for our membership exploration class on October 13th & 20th at 10:00 am in the Dining Room. Rev. Harrington will lead this class with a general overview of St. Andrews-Covenant and our ministries, as well as what it means to be part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Youth Pickleball

Youth Pickleball
OCT 13 | 6:30 PM
Brown Hall
We will gather in Brown Hall to try out the new Pickleball courts! All youth (grades 6th - 12th) are welcome - no experience necessary. We will have some adults there to teach basic skills.
Please bring any equipment you might have, for yourself and for others to borrow. See Rita Pasquariello for details.

Youth Choir Rehearsal

Youth Choir Rehearsal
OCT 16 | 6:30 pm

Choir Rm
We are excited to announce that the youth choir will begin starting Oct. 2nd. Rehearsals will be from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm in the Choir Rm every other Wednesday, alternating with D-Groups so students can attend both D-Groups and Youth Choir. Rehearsal dates are: 10/16, 10/30, 11/13, 12/4. We will sing in worship on Dec. 8th at 10:00 am. All are welcome! Invite your friends. See Angela Burns for details.

Children & Families Fall Festival

Children & Families Fall Festival
OCT 20 | 3:00 pm
15th St. Lawn
Come join our annual Fall Festival for Children & Families, put on by the SACPC Children's Ministry.  There will be games, crafts, snacks, photo-ops, face painting & Trunk or Treat!  This event is free to all!  Come and have fun! Great event for children and families!! This is a rain-or-shine event, the rain location will be Brown Hall. See Mrs. Lynn for more details.

Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith

October Collection for Vigilant Hope

In October, we will collect for our neighbors, Vigilant Hope, which provides vital services to those in our city who, sadly, have no place to call home. Let's help them out with the following: 
  • Umbrellas
  • AAA batteries
  • Men's undershirts (L and XL)
  • Men's and women's warm socks
  • Stocking caps

Please drop your donations in the bin in the 15th Street lobby near the Narthex. Contact Jane Smith for details.

Children | Contact Lynn Warner

Children Events

Youth | Contact Jen Phelps

Youth Events

GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes

August Financial Highlight

Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community by providing beneficial programs and spiritual events that lift up, motivate, and provide joy!

As of the end of August, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $114,090.  So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.
Financial updates will be provided each month.  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,

CareLine Updates as of October 8, 2024

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:4-6

We Celebrate:

 Martha Breit Davis was born to Rickman and Lucy Davis on Friday, October 4th.

We Pray:

Victims of Recent Hurricanes who have been affected by loss of life, livelihoods, and property from Hurricane Helene and all those in the path of Hurricane Milton.

Kathy Benson has been hospitalized.

Bob Estep, Evelyn’s husband, will have spinal surgery on Oct 9th at Novant.  

Katherine Brandi
is recovering from a right thumb joint replacement which occurred on October 2nd.

Service Personnel:

Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA) , Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City), Patrick Falvey (Landstuhl Military Medical Center, Germany)

Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.

Hospitalizations: Please click 
here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.

Birthday Celebrations |  OCT 8 - 16, 2024

October 8: Wade Brownfield, David Swain
October 9: David Donovan, Pam Zuaboni
October 10: John Frye, Diane Swain
October 11: Ted Froneberger, Roberta Smith, Sebastian Thompson
October 12: Emily Donovan, Gary Smith
October 14: Jim Brumit, Shayla Durst, Donna Sutton, Debbie Szwarc
October 15: Charles Almond, Marjorie Lanier, Linda Lee, Myra Rippy
View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203

For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207

For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (

For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201

For calendar reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229

Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at






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