SACPC Weekly Updates for Nov. 12 - 19, 2024

Sunday, November 17, 2024
26th Sunday after Pentecost
This Sunday
"The Beginning of the End?"
Rev. Katherine B. Harrington
Katie will lead us in worship with sermon text coming from Mark 13:1-8. There will be a Moment for Mission from the Malawi Education Fund and baptisms at both services.
Previous Contemporary Worship
Previous Traditional Worship
Church World Service Event
Supporting Immigrants in Wilmington
by Sue McCaffray

Church World Service, which we hosted at a POPS class last month, is holding a session to explore how the recent election may affect immigrants in the Wilmington area, this Wednesday, Nov. 13th, at 7:00 pm at Trinity United Methodist Church, right across the street from SACPC at 1403 Market Street. If any would like to walk over together after our POPS meal, we can gather at the 15th St. Sunday school door at 6:40 pm and walk over together.
Advent 2024 | Meeting the Messengers
by Katie Harrington

This Advent, we are going to meet some of God's messengers: Malachi, Zechariah, Mary, and the shepherds. None of their lives were perfect. The message God gave them to share was surprising and startling; yet, they chose to respond. How will we respond to the message God is speaking to us? All our Advent programs and resources are now available on our website at
Building News
by Catheryn Thomas

Last week was a busy one around the church property. First, our part of 15th Street was repaved. We have new, smooth blacktop to drive and park on, and the crosswalk striping will be redone soon. Second, we had a very large crane on site to put all the new AC units on the roof rack. An huge next step in the HVAC project - and a super exciting day for the preschoolers!
Hard Work, Dream Big, and Hope
by Earth Care Team
I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty, and you gave me drink. -Matthew 25:33a

Many thanks to all those who have contributed rice for the Thanksgiving boxes for Northside residents. This collection continues to show such an outpouring of support and love.
Two other ways to support these neighbors were mentioned at the October 30th POPS meeting. One was to purchase a co-op membership for a resident. The $100 fee is a one-time fee and allows the holder to have a voice on Co-op policies, as well as benefits, such as reduced product prices in the grocery store, much like a VIC card from Harris Teeter. Several people could even go together to fund a membership.
The other suggested way to offer support is to sponsor the food for a Community dinner in 2025. One person, a group, or several friends could do this. Last year a group of lasagna cooks took their tastiest prepared recipes for one of the dinners. Some similar offerings would help the work of the Co-op while allowing possible interpersonal relationships to develop.
To learn of more creative ways to work with the Co-op, remember the November 14th Annual Dinner Meeting at 6:00 pm and the year-end weekly dinner on Nov. 22nd, both at 901 Fanning Street.
Two other ways to support these neighbors were mentioned at the October 30th POPS meeting. One was to purchase a co-op membership for a resident. The $100 fee is a one-time fee and allows the holder to have a voice on Co-op policies, as well as benefits, such as reduced product prices in the grocery store, much like a VIC card from Harris Teeter. Several people could even go together to fund a membership.
The other suggested way to offer support is to sponsor the food for a Community dinner in 2025. One person, a group, or several friends could do this. Last year a group of lasagna cooks took their tastiest prepared recipes for one of the dinners. Some similar offerings would help the work of the Co-op while allowing possible interpersonal relationships to develop.
To learn of more creative ways to work with the Co-op, remember the November 14th Annual Dinner Meeting at 6:00 pm and the year-end weekly dinner on Nov. 22nd, both at 901 Fanning Street.
This excerpt from a 1980 Daily Guidepost article gives food for thought:
"It was during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles II, when Sir Christopher Wren was London's favorite architect. A country gentleman, visiting the city, paused to watch a group of men working on a large cleared area. He asked one of the men what he was doing. 'I'm laying bricks, mate,' the man said sourly, 'for a couple of farthings. ‘I oughter be getting more.' The gentleman strolled on and asked another man the same question. This one raised a cheery face and said, ' I'm helping Sir Christopher Wren build a cathedral.' Work hard and think big; see visions and dream dreams."
Working hard and dreaming big is what Northside Co-op is doing and SACPC is helping too! Thank you for your part.
"It was during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles II, when Sir Christopher Wren was London's favorite architect. A country gentleman, visiting the city, paused to watch a group of men working on a large cleared area. He asked one of the men what he was doing. 'I'm laying bricks, mate,' the man said sourly, 'for a couple of farthings. ‘I oughter be getting more.' The gentleman strolled on and asked another man the same question. This one raised a cheery face and said, ' I'm helping Sir Christopher Wren build a cathedral.' Work hard and think big; see visions and dream dreams."
Working hard and dreaming big is what Northside Co-op is doing and SACPC is helping too! Thank you for your part.
Welcome New Member
Rick Buckley
by Kathy Benson

We are pleased to introduce new member, Richard (Rick) Buckley to our congregation. Rick joined by letter of transfer on October 20, 2024 from The Presbyterian Church on the Hill in Ocean Township, New Jersey. Rick was ordained there as an elder in 1996 and at one point served as Assistant Clerk of Session. He also served as a youth leader for junior and senior high students, taught Sunday School for 6th - 12th grade levels, and served as an ordained Stephen Minister.
When Rick and wife Denise relocated from New Jersey to our area, he began his search for a new church home. He found SACPC to be very similar to his previous church, very friendly and welcoming. That's good to hear!
We look forward to the rich benefits Rick will bring from his years in Christian service to our vibrant congregation, as well. Be sure to offer your right hand of fellowship to Rick and Denise when you see them! Help them feel at home and find out how much you already have in common.
Rick and wife Denise now reside in Leland. Welcome, Rick, to full membership in St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church!
When Rick and wife Denise relocated from New Jersey to our area, he began his search for a new church home. He found SACPC to be very similar to his previous church, very friendly and welcoming. That's good to hear!
We look forward to the rich benefits Rick will bring from his years in Christian service to our vibrant congregation, as well. Be sure to offer your right hand of fellowship to Rick and Denise when you see them! Help them feel at home and find out how much you already have in common.
Rick and wife Denise now reside in Leland. Welcome, Rick, to full membership in St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church!
September Financial Updates
by Susan Dykes

Click the button below to view our most current financial updates.
New Books in the Library
by Sue McCaffray

Cool days and long evenings are perfect for reading! Be a good example to the young! Check out the many wonderful offerings in our church library, as well as these new books (on the new book shelf in the library or on the counter): Chasing Hope by NYT reporter Nicholas Kristof. The Life and Faith of Mister Rogers, by Shea Tuttle. Peaceful Neighbor (about Mister R.) by Michael G. Long. God and the Gay Christian, by Matthew Vines. The Fugitive Blacksmith by James W.C. Pennington, a formerly enslaved Presbyterian minister. The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel.
Interested in SACPC's Malawi Partnership?
by Shelley Long

You're invited to join our team! The Malawi Partnership Team meets four to five times per year to plan SACPC's Education sponsorship campaign and consider ways to maintain and strengthen our ties to our partners at Chuluchosema CCAP. We host guests from Malawi and plan trips for church members to travel to the Warm Heart of Africa to worship with our sisters and brothers there. We are hoping to travel to Malawi in 2025! If you are interested in participating in this personally and spiritually rewarding international ministry of our church, get in touch with Ed Hobson ( or one of our team members.
Zikomo! (thank you)
Ed Hobson, Lynn Atkinson, Margo Davy, Bert Exum, Angela Brownfield, Sue Messina, Chris Johnston, Dwight Lysne, Shelley Hobson, and Gary Smith
Zikomo! (thank you)
Ed Hobson, Lynn Atkinson, Margo Davy, Bert Exum, Angela Brownfield, Sue Messina, Chris Johnston, Dwight Lysne, Shelley Hobson, and Gary Smith
Earth Care Corner: Food Justice
Grocery Store Needed
by Earth Care Education

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink -Matthew 25:33a
Pray, but while you pray, move. -African Proverb
As stewards of the earth and all God's creation it is our responsibility to ensure the earth's abundance is shared equitably with all God's children. Last week, we hosted a program on Food Justice and invited local community group, the Northside Food Cooperative, to educate us on efforts underway to address food deserts and food apartheid in downtown Wilmington.
After several earlier failed attempts, beginning in 2018, Cierra Washington, manager of Northside Food Cooperative, and a dedicated group have been working to bring a grocery store to the Northside of Wilmington, a large urban food desert. A food desert is an urban area that doesn't have a full range grocery store with healthy and affordable food within a mile radius from residents. (10 miles for rural areas).
The African quote above becomes relevant when you meet Ms. Washington and her team as they endeavor to bring the dream of a full range grocery to an area whose residents have long been neglected in many areas. The fact that this food desert exists within the city limits is just one of the consequences of forces which have contributed to other societal issues for many in this part of town, such as poverty, lack of health care, educational opportunities, and political voice.
The goals of the Northside Food Co-op are fairly succinct. They are:
The advocacy group has worked hard in soliciting input from the neighbors in Northside, and not just in the store's design, but also in how it will be staffed and the products they'd like to see made available. The dream is for it to be a store for the neighborhood and made possible by work from the neighborhood--along with help from the outside community.
Members of SACPC have been invited to learn more about this proposed store. If interested, one may attend the Northside Food Cooperative's Annual Meeting on November 14th at 901 Fanning Street. A free dinner is served at 6:00 pm and then the agenda will focus on the organizational structure, store design, board membership and various committees needed. The architect will be present. If you have expertise or simply a willing helping heart, what a fine way to help our city.
Another invitation is the Co-op's last community dinner for 2024 on Nov. 22nd from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, also at 901 Fanning Street. This meal is also free, and offers a chance to meet and get to know some of our Church's neighbors who live in the Northside.
This God-given opportunity to more fully live out Jesus' command to love our neighbors simply by showing up, comes with the added benefit of delicious food. A fine gift for us indeed.
Pray, but while you pray, move. -African Proverb
As stewards of the earth and all God's creation it is our responsibility to ensure the earth's abundance is shared equitably with all God's children. Last week, we hosted a program on Food Justice and invited local community group, the Northside Food Cooperative, to educate us on efforts underway to address food deserts and food apartheid in downtown Wilmington.
After several earlier failed attempts, beginning in 2018, Cierra Washington, manager of Northside Food Cooperative, and a dedicated group have been working to bring a grocery store to the Northside of Wilmington, a large urban food desert. A food desert is an urban area that doesn't have a full range grocery store with healthy and affordable food within a mile radius from residents. (10 miles for rural areas).
The African quote above becomes relevant when you meet Ms. Washington and her team as they endeavor to bring the dream of a full range grocery to an area whose residents have long been neglected in many areas. The fact that this food desert exists within the city limits is just one of the consequences of forces which have contributed to other societal issues for many in this part of town, such as poverty, lack of health care, educational opportunities, and political voice.
The goals of the Northside Food Co-op are fairly succinct. They are:
- Advocate for responsible development and zoning
- Seek creative ways to connect all community members to their food system
- Empower neighbors with opportunities and choices, not just charity.
The advocacy group has worked hard in soliciting input from the neighbors in Northside, and not just in the store's design, but also in how it will be staffed and the products they'd like to see made available. The dream is for it to be a store for the neighborhood and made possible by work from the neighborhood--along with help from the outside community.
Members of SACPC have been invited to learn more about this proposed store. If interested, one may attend the Northside Food Cooperative's Annual Meeting on November 14th at 901 Fanning Street. A free dinner is served at 6:00 pm and then the agenda will focus on the organizational structure, store design, board membership and various committees needed. The architect will be present. If you have expertise or simply a willing helping heart, what a fine way to help our city.
Another invitation is the Co-op's last community dinner for 2024 on Nov. 22nd from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, also at 901 Fanning Street. This meal is also free, and offers a chance to meet and get to know some of our Church's neighbors who live in the Northside.
This God-given opportunity to more fully live out Jesus' command to love our neighbors simply by showing up, comes with the added benefit of delicious food. A fine gift for us indeed.
Holy Happenings @ SACPC
Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study | Food Justice

Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study
NOV 12, 13, or 14 | 10:00 am
Dining Rm
NOV 12, 13, or 14 | 10:00 am
Dining Rm
November's Let Justice Roll Down Bible study will be led by Lynn Atkinson. The theme is Food Justice. The Bible portrays the earth as yielding food in abundance, and today’s agricultural scientists say it could provide food for all. We can learn to produce food with justice and peace and feed a starving world. We will explore scripture from Genesis 1:22, 3:19; Exodus 16:13-18, 19-21; Joshua 5:12; Psalm 65:11-14, 78:23-29, 105:40-41; Hosea 4:1b-3; Micah 6:12-15; Matthew 13:8; Mark 4:8; Luke 8:8.
All are invited to attend. The same lesson will be given on November 12th, 13th, or 14th at 10:00 am in Dining Room. See Katherine Brandi for details.
All are invited to attend. The same lesson will be given on November 12th, 13th, or 14th at 10:00 am in Dining Room. See Katherine Brandi for details.
POPS Meal Menu

NOV 13 | 5:30 pm
Brown Hall
NOV 13 | 5:30 pm
Brown Hall
Menu: Salad, Mandarin Orange Salad w/ Sesame Dressing, Chicken Fried Rice, Pork Lo Mein, Egg Rolls, and Fortune Cookies. Cost is $25/family, $7/adult, and $5/under 12.
Youth Choir

NOV 13 | 6:30 pm
Choir Rm
NOV 13 | 6:30 pm
Choir Rm
This will be the only youth choir rehearsal for November. We will meet from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm in the Choir Rm preparing to participate with other choirs on Dec. 8th at 10:00 am. All are welcome! It's not too late to join. See Angela Burns for details.
Avoiding Internet and Phone Scams

Avoiding Internet & Phone Scams
NOV 16 | 2:00 pm
Brown Hall
NOV 16 | 2:00 pm
Brown Hall
This event is sponsored by our Women's Ministry Team and open to the public, encourage your friends and neighbors to attend. Doors open at 1:30 pm with the program beginning promptly at 2:00 pm. Breaks and snacks included.
Guest Speakers:
Kevin Kramer, Certified Financial Planner - “Scams and Ways to Protect Your Money”
Holly Pilson, Director, Cape Fear Agency on Aging
Master Deputy Sheriff Andrea Gordon & Master Deputy Sheriff Diana Ruc, New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office - “Fraud and Scam Prevention“
The event will include an expert panel discussion followed by audience Q&A. Contact the church office for more details.
Guest Speakers:
Kevin Kramer, Certified Financial Planner - “Scams and Ways to Protect Your Money”
Holly Pilson, Director, Cape Fear Agency on Aging
Master Deputy Sheriff Andrea Gordon & Master Deputy Sheriff Diana Ruc, New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office - “Fraud and Scam Prevention“
The event will include an expert panel discussion followed by audience Q&A. Contact the church office for more details.
Music on Market: NC Brass Band

Music on Market: NC Brass Band
NOV 16 | 7:30 pm
NOV 16 | 7:30 pm
Our Music on Market series continues with a free concert by the NC Brass Band on Saturday, November 16th at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary. Get into the festive spirit with this brass quintet concert featuring an enchanting repertoire of beloved holiday music. Experience brilliant musicianship, the powerful blend of brass instruments, and unforgettable melodies to fill your hearts with the holiday spirit. This is sure to be a Quintessential Holiday Concert Experience!
Banned Book Club For All | November Book Pick

Banned Book Club
NOV 17 | 7:00 pm
NOV 17 | 7:00 pm
Our Banned Book club will be reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. This book is recommended for ages 11 and up and won a National Book Award. Amy Stuart (who has won our hearts) will again be leading our discussion. For more details, contact Amy.
Advent Pancake Dinner & Craft Night

Advent Pancake Dinner & Craft Night
NOV 24 | 5:00 pm
Brown Hall
NOV 24 | 5:00 pm
Brown Hall
Enjoy delicious dinner, fellowship, and opportunities to make crafts for our homebound members, crafts to take home, and an Advent wreath to use in your home for the Advent season. There will be crafts and activities for all ages!

Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith
November Angel Tree Gift Drive

We will be hanging Angel Tree gift tags on the Christmas tree in the 15th Street lobby some time the first week of November. This is our annual opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for children who might not have anything under their tree on Christmas morning otherwise.
Gift tags will include a child's Christmas wishes. Simply choose a tag and purchase some or all of the gifts listed. Place them under the tree by the date listed on the bulletin board. Go and Serve will deliver them to the Salvation Army who will distribute them to the families. Thank you for making a child's Christmas brighter. If you have questions, contact Ann Danchak.
Gift tags will include a child's Christmas wishes. Simply choose a tag and purchase some or all of the gifts listed. Place them under the tree by the date listed on the bulletin board. Go and Serve will deliver them to the Salvation Army who will distribute them to the families. Thank you for making a child's Christmas brighter. If you have questions, contact Ann Danchak.

Children | Contact Lynn Warner
Children's Events
Youth | Contact Jen Phelps
Youth Events

GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes
September Financial Highlight
Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community by providing beneficial programs and spiritual events that lift up, motivate, and provide joy!
As of the end of September, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $148,105. So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.
As of the end of September, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $148,105. So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.

Financial updates will be provided each month. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,

CareLine Updates as of November 11, 2024
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:4-6
Philippians 4:4-6
We Celebrate:
Bradley Garrett, son of Angie and Scott Garrett and grandson of Bill and Sweetie Francis, was married to Lauren McCarthy in Manteo, NC, on Saturday, November 9th.
Walter Davis Gould, one year old son of Stephanie and Harrison Gould, was baptized on Sunday, Nov 10th.
Walter Davis Gould, one year old son of Stephanie and Harrison Gould, was baptized on Sunday, Nov 10th.
We Pray:
Jack Woods, who has stage 1 lung cancer and will have surgery on Nov. 20th.
David Danchak, son of Ann, who will have open heart surgery on November 14th.
Paula Sneeden, who will have a full knee replacement on November 12th.
Libby Gwennap of Pittsboro, a sister of Al and Frances Todd, has been undergoing chemo for Pancreatic cancer and found out the cancer has spread throughout her other organs. Pray that God will guide and comfort them as they make the difficult decision to continue with chemotherapy or not.
David Danchak, son of Ann, who will have open heart surgery on November 14th.
Paula Sneeden, who will have a full knee replacement on November 12th.
Libby Gwennap of Pittsboro, a sister of Al and Frances Todd, has been undergoing chemo for Pancreatic cancer and found out the cancer has spread throughout her other organs. Pray that God will guide and comfort them as they make the difficult decision to continue with chemotherapy or not.
Service Personnel:
Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA) , Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas-deployed to Poland 11-24), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City)
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.
Birthday Celebrations | NOV 12 - 19, 2024
November 12: Eliza Johnson, Lisa Turner
November 13: Caroline Lawrence, Bill Smith
November 14: Sallie Bridger
November 16: Beth Looney
November 19: Bryant Sasser
November 13: Caroline Lawrence, Bill Smith
November 14: Sallie Bridger
November 16: Beth Looney
November 19: Bryant Sasser

View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. Mar. 11 - 18, 2025
March 11th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. Mar. 4 - 11, 2025
March 4th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 25 - Mar. 4, 2025
February 25th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 18 - 25, 2025
February 18th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 11 - 18, 2025
February 11th, 2025