SACPC Weekly Updates for Jan. 28 - Feb. 4, 2025

Sunday, February 2, 2025
4th Sunday after Epiphany
This Sunday
"What Love Does"
Rev. Katherine B. Harrington
Rev. Harrington leads us in worship with scripture from 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Communion will be served at both services with a baptism at 11:00 am.
Previous Contemporary Worship
Previous Traditional Worship
Location Change for Tomorrow's POPS Program
by Emily Donovan

Due to the popularity of tomorrow's POPS Program we are moving the location of the talk to the Chapel. Please spread the word!
December Financial Highlights Now Available
By Susan Dykes

Click the "Learn More" button below to view December's financial highlights.
Women’s Pickleball
by Donna Philips

Mondays in Brown Hall from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. Please text or call Donna Philips at 404-226-5976 to register.
Galentines for Grades K - 12
by Jen Phelps

Our high school girls are inviting all girls kindergarten through 8th grade to come celebrate Galentines!
We will have snacks and crafts, games and quality time together.
More details to come soon!
Raleigh Ringers Tickets Available Feb. 1st
by Cindy Litzinger

Due to limited seating for this popular event, tickets (free) will be issued online for this concert. Doors will open at 6:30 pm for ticket holders only. Seating will be held for ticket holders until 7:00 pm, after which time, seating will be first come-first served.
Tickets will be available starting February 1, 2025. Click the "more info" button below to access more details and the link to reserve tickets.
Tickets will be available starting February 1, 2025. Click the "more info" button below to access more details and the link to reserve tickets.
Volunteers Needed | Vigilant Hope Pancake Breakfast
by Jen Phelps

This is a church-wide volunteer opportunity sponsored by our youth ministry. We will gather to cook and serve the weekly pancake breakfast at Vigilant Hope, an organization serving those experiencing homelessness and those living in poverty.
Volunteers meet at Lake Forest Baptist Church - 1626 Lake Branch Drive (near Greenfield Lake) at 7:45am! *note their new, slightly earlier arrival time*
Prayerfully consider bringing some supplies...
PLEASE NOTE: Any supplies that are not donated by volunteers are paid for using our youth budget. If you sign-up to bring supplies and also plan to stay to help, please sign-up for one of the available volunteer spots.
Volunteers meet at Lake Forest Baptist Church - 1626 Lake Branch Drive (near Greenfield Lake) at 7:45am! *note their new, slightly earlier arrival time*
Prayerfully consider bringing some supplies...
PLEASE NOTE: Any supplies that are not donated by volunteers are paid for using our youth budget. If you sign-up to bring supplies and also plan to stay to help, please sign-up for one of the available volunteer spots.
Welcome New Members!
Joe Brisindi & Tarry Boyd
How does a guy born in New Jersey meet a girl from the Carolinas and fall in love? You might ask Joe and Tarry that question when you get to know two of our newest members, Joe Brisindi and Tarry Boyd. Tarry, daughter of church members Blair and Charlene Boyd, was born in Wilmington and is a daughter of SACPC. Both Joe and Tarry joined by reaffirmation of faith on November 25, 2024. She is currently employed by the City of Wilmington; he is currently employed by PEVO Sports in sales. It is safe to say both are fitness-minded, are sports fans (of more than one sport) and back the Pack!
Joe and Tarry are engaged with plans for a spring wedding in Wilmington. We wish them all the best as the date draws near! Please extend a warm welcome to the happy couple when you see them in worship!
Joe and Tarry are engaged with plans for a spring wedding in Wilmington. We wish them all the best as the date draws near! Please extend a warm welcome to the happy couple when you see them in worship!
Cynthia Semones

Join us in welcoming Cynthia Semones, one of our newest members who first visited our church at the invitation of members Dave & Susan Hoff and then joined by reaffirmation of faith on November 25, 2024. Formerly a resident of Dayton, Ohio, Cynthia relocated to our area in 2017. While still in Dayton, she served as a docent at the Dayton Art Institute for ten years. In fact, her interests include art, history, reading, walking and traveling. She has indeed traveled many places including Haiti, Uganda and Zambia with mission teams.
Cynthia has already connected to ministries here such as Walking in the Word Sunday School Class and Good Shepherd Center. Cynthia has a heart for reaching others through hands-on service; in her previous church she helped at a soup kitchen and with small groups. If you enjoy swapping travel stories, then you have a conversation starter at hand. Please extend a warm SACPC welcome to Cynthia!
Cynthia has already connected to ministries here such as Walking in the Word Sunday School Class and Good Shepherd Center. Cynthia has a heart for reaching others through hands-on service; in her previous church she helped at a soup kitchen and with small groups. If you enjoy swapping travel stories, then you have a conversation starter at hand. Please extend a warm SACPC welcome to Cynthia!
2025-2026 Preschool Registration
by René Sasser

Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year is just around the corner! Registration for currently enrolled families will begin on January 8th. Priority registration for SACPC families begins January 13th with enrollment opening to the general public on January 15th.
We are excited to begin planning for the next school year. We know the importance of an enriching, encouraging, and engaging preschool experience. If you or someone you know is looking for a faith based preschool that encourages children to develop at their own rate spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and cognitively, please consider SACPC Preschool.
We cherish the time we have with the children and families in our school. Please email René Sasser. Preschool Director, to schedule a tour of the preschool, for more information, or for a link to the registration form.
We are excited to begin planning for the next school year. We know the importance of an enriching, encouraging, and engaging preschool experience. If you or someone you know is looking for a faith based preschool that encourages children to develop at their own rate spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and cognitively, please consider SACPC Preschool.
We cherish the time we have with the children and families in our school. Please email René Sasser. Preschool Director, to schedule a tour of the preschool, for more information, or for a link to the registration form.
Holy Happenings @ SACPC
POPS Meals Menu

JAN 29 | 5:30 pm
Brown Hall
JAN 29 | 5:30 pm
Brown Hall
Come have dinner with your church family this Wednesday! Menu: Salad, Shepherd's Pie, Rolls, and Dessert. Cost: $25/family $7/adult $5/under 12.
POPS Program: Preparing for Climate Change's Effects in Wilmington

Preparing for Climate Change's Effect in Wilmington
JAN 29 | 6:30 pm
JAN 29 | 6:30 pm
Did you know Wilmington has the longest continuous climate record in the state? It dates back to 1871. Join us as guest speaker Tim Armstrong, a meteorologist and local climate expert, discusses how climate change has impacted local preparedness strategies including hurricanes, sea level rise, and extreme rainfall. He'll also show us how the climate has changed in Wilmington using over 150 years of recorded data.
Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study
Climate Change

Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study
FEB 11, 12, or 13 | 10:00 am
Dining Rm
FEB 11, 12, or 13 | 10:00 am
Dining Rm
February's Let Justice Roll Down Bible study will be led by Beth Cherry. The theme is Climate Change. Scripture teaches us to listen to the prophets who warn of threats, avoid complacency and self-concern, and participate with joy in the work God has given us to do. We will explore scripture from Ecclesiastes 1:14; 2:24; 3:9-11; Isaiah 22:13; Jeremiah 37:11-16; Luke 12:16-21; 12:19; 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV).
All are invited to attend. The same lesson will be given on February 11th, 12th, and 13th at 10:00 am in Dining Room. See Katherine Brandi for details.
All are invited to attend. The same lesson will be given on February 11th, 12th, and 13th at 10:00 am in Dining Room. See Katherine Brandi for details.
POPS Program: Malawi Trip Information Meeting

Malawi Trip Information Meeting
FEB 12 | 6:30 pm
Kardia Rm 224
FEB 12 | 6:30 pm
Kardia Rm 224
The Malawi Partnership Team is beginning the process of planning a trip for members of SACPC who would like to meet our partners in Chuluchosema this summer when it will be winter in Malawi. If you are interested attending this mission trip, please plan to come to this information meeting. You can also click the "Learn More" button below to access the trip application and FAQs document. If you have specific questions now, please click here to email Ed Hobson.
Unity Worship & Winter Carnival

There will be only one worship service at 10:00 am on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2025 as we enjoy a church-wide unity service in the Sanctuary. This service is designed to bring our congregation together as one body, sharing our faith and strengthening our bond as a church family. We hope to see you there!
PLEASE NOTE: No children or youth Sunday School on Feb. 16th. Adults, check with your Sunday School leader to determine if you will meet.
PLEASE NOTE: No children or youth Sunday School on Feb. 16th. Adults, check with your Sunday School leader to determine if you will meet.
After the unity service, the entire congregation is invited to join us at 11:30 am in Brown Hall for fellowship, fun, lunch, games, prizes, service projects! Something for all ages!!! More information coming soon.
POPS Program: History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

POPS Program
MAR 26 | 6:30 pm
MAR 26 | 6:30 pm
The Let’s Talk About It Team will host A Brief History of the Arab-Israeli conflict with guest speaker UNCW History Professor Steve McFarland. Steve teaches global history and the history of technology and air power in the Department of History at UNCW. He will lead us through a brief review of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how it affects the current situation in Gaza.

Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith
February Donation Drive
February 1st is National Freedom Day, which marks the culmination of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in January. The State Department estimates that 27.6 million people are currently the victims of human trafficking worldwide. As many as half of them are minors; 80% are female. Twenty years ago, when the United States passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, most people did not know that, in our modern era, people were still being held in slavery. In the subsequent decades, fortunately, that many Americans have become aware of this tragedy.
In New Hanover County, we are blessed with several ministries that are providing services to local victims. One of those is A Safe Place, which Go & Serve supports annually through our budget. A Safe Place opened a shelter for victims in 2012 and has expanded its services to include counseling, case management, and an outreach center, primarily to young women and teen girls exiting, or trying to exit, the sex trade. If you have questions about human trafficking see Understanding Human Trafficking from the State Department.
This month we will be collecting items for this vital ministry including the following:
Or visit their Amazon Wish List to donate items to them directly. To learn more about A Safe Place, visit their website at:
In New Hanover County, we are blessed with several ministries that are providing services to local victims. One of those is A Safe Place, which Go & Serve supports annually through our budget. A Safe Place opened a shelter for victims in 2012 and has expanded its services to include counseling, case management, and an outreach center, primarily to young women and teen girls exiting, or trying to exit, the sex trade. If you have questions about human trafficking see Understanding Human Trafficking from the State Department.
This month we will be collecting items for this vital ministry including the following:
- Journals
- Adult coloring books
- Gel pens for coloring
- Laundry detergent
- Cleaning supplies
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
Or visit their Amazon Wish List to donate items to them directly. To learn more about A Safe Place, visit their website at:
January Donation Drive
January is the month we will be collecting Mercy Pouch supplies. Last year, we distributed approximately 1,200 pouches. Thank you!!!
The bulletin board located at the 15th Street Sanctuary entrance has tickets of the items needed. Please take one or more tickets as you can and help purchase these items which are:
Thank you again for your contributions and for distributing these pouches to our neighbors in need.
The bulletin board located at the 15th Street Sanctuary entrance has tickets of the items needed. Please take one or more tickets as you can and help purchase these items which are:
- Individual fruit and pudding cups
- Tuna or chicken pouches
- Water
- Crackers
- Band-aids
- Gallon zip lock bags.
Thank you again for your contributions and for distributing these pouches to our neighbors in need.
Volunteer Opportunity Soaring As Eagles
2025 Saturday Academy

Soaring As Eagles Saturday Academy takes a village … and we can’t do it with YOU!
Join us as a cherished volunteer for more fun this coming year! The 2025 Saturday Academy will help 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders from Title 1 schools improve their End of Grade (EOG) test scores through experiential learning. We’ll meet eight Saturdays, January through May, at GLOW Academy, 4100 Sunglow Drive in Wilmington. The students will be served breakfast and then enjoy working with volunteers on a range of fun, educational activities in small group settings.
Last year, Soaring As Eagles provided tutoring to over 60 young students in our community. This year, we’re looking to reach even more students … but we can’t do that without your help! Below is the link to sign-up. Volunteer for one Saturday … sign up for all … any help is greatly appreciated!
Saturday Academy is truly a rewarding experience for both students AND volunteers! If you have questions or need more info, click here to contact Emily Vassar or call (910) 274-4788.
Join us as a cherished volunteer for more fun this coming year! The 2025 Saturday Academy will help 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders from Title 1 schools improve their End of Grade (EOG) test scores through experiential learning. We’ll meet eight Saturdays, January through May, at GLOW Academy, 4100 Sunglow Drive in Wilmington. The students will be served breakfast and then enjoy working with volunteers on a range of fun, educational activities in small group settings.
Last year, Soaring As Eagles provided tutoring to over 60 young students in our community. This year, we’re looking to reach even more students … but we can’t do that without your help! Below is the link to sign-up. Volunteer for one Saturday … sign up for all … any help is greatly appreciated!
Saturday Academy is truly a rewarding experience for both students AND volunteers! If you have questions or need more info, click here to contact Emily Vassar or call (910) 274-4788.

Children | Contact Lynn Warner
Save the Date | Camp Fusion is JUN 16th - 20th

Camp Fusion is our VBS, Music, and Art program! The program is for Pre K - 6th Grade. The schedule is:
Pre-K Camp Fusion
Ages: 3 years old (potty trained) - those who have not completed Kindergarten
9:00 am - Noon
Camp Fusion
Ages: Grades K - 6th (completed)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
Pre-K Camp Fusion
Ages: 3 years old (potty trained) - those who have not completed Kindergarten
9:00 am - Noon
Camp Fusion
Ages: Grades K - 6th (completed)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
Children's Events
Youth | Contact Jen Phelps
Youth Events

GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes
December Financial Highlight
Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community by providing beneficial programs and spiritual events that lift up, motivate, and provide joy!

Financial updates will be provided each month. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,

CareLine Updates as of January 28, 2024
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:4-6
Philippians 4:4-6
We Pray:
Dorothie Johnson, in Waynesville, who has a right arm infection and pain.
Deb Randall, who was admitted to Novant Health ICU with a brain bleed.
Deb Randall, who was admitted to Novant Health ICU with a brain bleed.
We Grieve:
Tom Malisher, whose brother Bobby passed away in Ohio. Tom is the sexton for the church.
Service Personnel:
Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA) , Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas-deployed to Poland 11-24), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City)
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.
Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.
Hospitalizations: Please click here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.
Birthday Celebrations | JAN 28 - FEB 4, 2025
January 28: Caroline Hill
January 29: Lynn Goodman, Gregory Wayne
January 30: Rebecca Lynn Burney
January 31: Sweetie Francis, Leo Miller
February 1: Eric Pierson
February 3: Dorothie Johnson
February 4: Isaac Bron
January 29: Lynn Goodman, Gregory Wayne
January 30: Rebecca Lynn Burney
January 31: Sweetie Francis, Leo Miller
February 1: Eric Pierson
February 3: Dorothie Johnson
February 4: Isaac Bron

View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203
For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207
For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (
For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201
For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229
Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. Mar. 11 - 18, 2025
March 11th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. Mar. 4 - 11, 2025
March 4th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 25 - Mar. 4, 2025
February 25th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 18 - 25, 2025
February 18th, 2025
SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 11 - 18, 2025
February 11th, 2025