SACPC Weekly Updates for Feb. 25 - Mar. 4, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Transfiguration of the Lord

This Sunday

"Believe them the first time."

Rev. Parker Lucas
Parker leads us with scripture from Exodus 34:29-35 and Luke 9:28-36. We will have a Moment for Mission for One Great Hour of Sharing.

It's also 5-Cents-A-Meal Sunday, during the first song or hymn bring your offerings to the front and place them in the baskets next to the communion table.

Previous Contemporary Worship

Previous Traditional Worship

Ash Wednesday & Lent Offerings

Ash Wednesday Opportunities

POPS Meal, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm in Brown Hall
We will offer a POPS Meal prior to our Ash Wednesday service. The menu: Salad, Chicken & Biscuits, and Dessert. Cost: $7/adult, $5/child under 12, or $25/family.

Ash Wednesday Prayer Stations, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Chapel
Our youth have created Prayer Stations in the Chapel for you and your family to experience. These stations are self-guided. You can drop in at any time before or after the Ash Wednesday service.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service, 7:00 pm in Sanctuary
We begin our journey to the cross with a special worship service in the Sanctuary from 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm. Communion will be served along with an opportunity to receive ashes.

Lenten Artist's Walk

Connecting Creatively through Scripture

by Emily Vassar
Our Spiritual Life Team has put together an art series for reflection during Lent. Each week, new artwork will be presented in the Narthex at the main door to the sanctuary before and after worship. As each new art piece is revealed, it will join a temporary Artist's Walk gallery collection on display in the Chapel.

We hope these pieces will encourage a moment of reflection, and that they will enrich your worship in a visual way throughout Lent.

Artist's Walk for Ash Wednesday

“Where am I in this story?”

Intention & Action
Luke 9: 51-62
The story of Jesus and the would-be followers in Luke 9 is an expression of a gap we can all understand: The space between intending to follow Jesus and what it means to actually DO it.

As Jesus “resolutely set out for Jerusalem” through towns and villages for what would be His trial and crucifixion, people rushed to meet Him. Others stayed at a distance. Some wanted to follow but couldn’t let go of something else to do so. There were those few who DID travel along with Him. Did they come, only to desert Him on the road to Calvary? He said it would be hard … but THIS hard?

Two images you’ll see in my painting on Ash Wednesday: The Holy Spirit, hovering over all, always present … and the disciple in the lower right corner, confused and fearful, not understanding, mistaking Jesus’ intentions and headed off to complicate things. Sadly familiar. And in that, I can ask myself, “Where am I in this story?”

— Emily Vassar

Lenten SermonShapers Bible Study

Every Wednesday (MAR 12 - APR 9)
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Kardia Rm 224
Our POPS Programs during Lent will tackle a handful of well-known stories from Luke's gospel that will be Katie's sermon texts for the coming Sunday. Join us as we help shape these sermons, pondering what it means to encounter God [in] between the extremes. We will use the scripture passages and a devotional guide. This weekly Bible study is led by Katie Harrington and Sue McCaffray.

Dinner is offered weekly in Brown Hall at 5:30 pm.

Lenten Daily Devotionals

Everything [in] Between
This devotional fully aligns with our Lent sermon series and follows Jesus through Luke’s Gospel. It includes weekly reflections with art, hymns, poetry, commentary, and reflection prompts. Printed copies available upon request.
Presbyterian Hunger's Tread Lightly for Lent Daily Reflection Calendar
SACPC's Earth Care Team invites everyone to participate in The Presbyterian Hunger Program's Lenten calendar which encourages people to make more sustainable choices that restore and protect all of God's children and Creation.
One Great Hour Of Sharing Intergenerational Calendar
PC(USA)'s special offerings program offers this daily calendar containing activities, reflection questions or prayers to do each day during Lent. This is a great resource to use in an intergenerational setting or with children.


Capital Campaign Survey Update

by Katie Harrington
Thank you to all of you who completed the survey that is a precursor to our Capital Campaign. The Session will receive the results of the survey from our Capital Campaign consultant in the next few weeks, and we will share those results with you soon.

Save the Date! World Water Day Event

Going Upstream: The Environmental State of Our Waterways

by Women's Ministry Team
Going Up Stream: The Environmental State of our Waterways
Saturday, March 22, 2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Brown Hall
As we celebrate World Water Day, join us for an expert panel discussion on the current status and efforts made to address the upstream threats of PFAS and 1,4-dioxane pollution within our waterways and how this impacts us locally.

Guest speakers include:

Emily Donovan, co-founder of Clean Cape Fear
Ken Waldrop, Executive Director of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
Jeffrey Enders, PhD, Senior Research Scholar & Research Assistant Professor at NC State University
Hannah M. Nelson, Staff Attorney at Southern Environmental Law Center

Our guest speakers will give short presentations, then we will open the panel discussion up for audience Q&A. This is sure to be an important and informative conversation. Please share widely with your friends and neighbors.

What's In Session?

January 2025 Report

by Julian March
Rev. Harrington called the meeting to order and called on Jack Richardson who offered a devotion titled “I Didn’t Know What I Didn’t Know.” 

Each month, the Session packet contains minutes from the five Session committees: Strategic Planning, Congregational Engagement, Officer Education and Governance, Human Resources, and Finance. The minutes are reviewed by Elders before the meeting.

Jack Richardson led a discussion on behalf of Strategic Planning that included the following highlights:

  • Strategic Planning takes information garnered from the annual Session Retreat as a basis for Session plans going forward.

  • Focused efforts to engage the congregation is a primary goal for 2025. This will include efforts to intentionally plug congregants into effective and fulfilling opportunities for service.

February Baptism: Martha Breit Davis (Parents Daniel “Rickman” Davis and Lucy Breit Davis)

Presbytery of Coastal Carolina: Elders Virginia Hager and Jack Richardson will represent SACPC at the meeting on March 1, 2025, at McPherson Presbyterian in Fayetteville.

One-year terms were approved for the following positions: Treasurer (Ed Hobson), Clerk of Session (Joanne Carpenter) and Assistant Clerk of Session (Katherine Brandi).

2024 Statistical report: Session approved this report, which listed a total of 728 active members and an average weekly worship attendance of 288. Livestream viewership of worship services has increased over time, with 45 average weekly viewers per month in 2024.

2025 Budget: Session approved the SACPC 2025 budget, which was presented at the congregational meeting on Feb. 16, 2025.
Katie Harrington reported:

  • SACPC is fully staffed. A. Parker Lucas will begin his call as Associate Pastor on February 17, 2025, and will be preaching on March 2, 2025.

  • Thanks to Gary Smith for his service and blessings as he is able to dedicate more time to the important work of Go and Serve.

Rev. Harrington asked elders to pair up and offer prayers for each other.

Presbytery Vision Summit

by Randy Warner
Our presbytery is going through a renovation process. The process includes creating a concise mission statement. This document will refocus the work and allocation of resources for the Presbytery over the next five to ten years.

All are invited and encouraged to participate in the Presbytery's Vision Summit happening Saturday, March 15th from 9:00 am - noon at Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church. where congregations from across the Coastal Carolina Presbytery gather to help create the concise mission statement. Registration is required.

For those unable to physically attend, the presbytery has an online form available to submit comments.

Malawi Trip Applications Due March 2nd!

by Shelley Hobson
SACPC will send a team to Malawi this summer from JUN 23rd - JUL 3rd.  If you're interested in joining us, be sure to submit your application to Gary Smith at the church office by March 2nd.  FAQs and a printable copy of the application are both on the church website.

Welcome Rev. Parker Lucas!

by Katie Harrington
As we continue to welcome Parker & Michelle into the life of our church, please remember to wear your name tags so he can get to know all of us by name.

Thank You Message

by Ann Benson
"Thank you" and recognition are not needed from members of SACPC for time I spent working with you. You were kind and welcomed me even when you were not feeling well. You all shared your lives, families and feelings with me. I did not need any recognition for that because I gained more than I ever gave.

I thank you for that time and I thank you for the Barnes and Noble gift card and for the Betty Brown print of SACPC’s bell tower.  I am still around and I always enjoy hearing from you. Keep in touch.  Ann Benson

Western NC Mission Trip Update

by Gary Smith
PLEASE NOTE: Only 6 spots remain. Please register as soon as possible If you are planning to attend this trip.

We are partnering with the Fuller Center in Burnsville, NC, from May 4th to 10th. The upfront trip cost is $150 - $154/person. Go & Serve will reimburse attendees $75 upon confirmed registration. Space is limited to 20 participants total. Click the link below to register or contact Gary Smith for questions.

Volunteer Opportunity | Serve Wilmington’s Homeless Families

by Jan McGowan
In order to guide a homeless family on the road to independent living, you need effective case by case management. The not-for-profit agency Family Promise, which has a 98% success rate in helping families secure independent living, has a team that is very aware of all the resources our community offers to families, who for many reasons, find themselves without shelter and in crisis. One of those resources is a group of area churches, including SACPC, that provide dinner to these families for a week each quarter at the Willow Pond apartments off Darlington Avenue, 15 minutes from our church. The volunteers have an opportunity to share their prepared meal for up to three families and eat with them to offer encouragement and comfort.  Kathy Benson (a regular volunteer with the Family Promise emergency shelter program) wrote a note letting the SACPC Family Promise Coordinators know of her experience volunteering:

“I told Jim (her husband) that this is the only face-to-face outreach in which I am involved. It occurs to me that preparing a meal for a family and visiting with them is something I need to continue doing. I think in the past some church folk at SACPC were (and may continue to be) apprehensive about providing meals and meeting people in what can feel awkward because of perceived disparities. You, (the SACPC coordinators of this ministry) have a heart for seeing past those awkward thoughts and inhibitions into the hearts and spirits of those who have been entrusted to us for care.  It’s as personal as one can get-to share a meal in the name of and for the love of Christ. We’ve been blessed to be able to share what The Lord has already provided. You make it happen for families…warm and secure shelter, food in the belly, the knowledge that others care and that there is hope through Christ and His followers.”

If you’d like to be a part of this ministry, please contact SACPC coordinators Robin Harper or Jan McGowan. You can also leave your contact information with the church office by calling 910.762.9693.

Donating Books to the Church Library

by Sue McCaffray
As we move toward spring cleaning time, let's all bear in mind that our church library cannot absorb very many of our old books! Good intentions often become a burden for your church staff. The right way to donate is to contact Sue McCaffray BEFORE bringing any books to the church.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept duplicates of books we already have, books that are out of date, books that have been written in, or books on topics that our SACPC readers are not looking for. When such books are left in the library, we have no choice but to discard them.

Thank you for thinking of us, but please do contact Sue before bringing books to the church.

January Financial Highlights Now Available

by Susan Dykes
Click the link below to view January's financial highlights.

Earth Care Corner | Book Review

"Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants" by Robin Wall Kimmerer

by Shelley Hobson
Reciprocity is how the land sacrifices its riches for humanity and how humanity responds. Plants and the Earth give us invaluable gifts that sustain our lives. How do we give thanks and give back, so the land, while helping people survive, will be cared for in return?  These are themes in Braiding Sweetgrass—a stunning and best-selling collection of essays by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a mother, scientist, botanist and decorated professor, McArthur Genius Grant recipient and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of indigenous people.

Reading this book requires attention and appreciation for the beauty of the writing and the nature it describes. I found myself putting the book down after an essay or passage and contemplating the wisdom sprouting forth from Kimmerer’s writing through her lenses of science and indigenous teaching.

If you read Braiding Sweetgrass with openness to hear its message, you will begin making connections between things such as packaged food in the grocery store, lumber in the hardware store, development of land, and you will gain a sense of responsibility for our role in taking and giving back to Mother Nature.

Kimmerer and her people subscribe to the concept of the Honorable Harvest, a set of Indigenous principles that guide the practice of taking from the natural world with respect and reciprocity, ensuring sustainability by only taking what is needed and leaving enough for the future generations, essentially treating the Earth as a living being with inherent value.

When asked for one thing she would recommend to restore the relationship between land and its people, the author responds very practically:  

“’Plant a garden.’  It’s good for the health of the earth and it’s good for the health of people.  A garden is a nursery for nurturing connection, the soil for cultivation of practical reverence.  And its power goes far beyond the garden gate…Something essential happens in a vegetable garden.  It’s a place where if you can’t say ‘I love you’ out loud, you can say it in seeds. And the land will reciprocate, in beans.”

Holy Happenings @ SACPC 

POPS Meals Menu

FEB 26 | 5:30 pm

Brown Hall
Come have dinner with your church family this Wednesday! Menu: Homemade Pizza, Salad, Rolls/Bread and Dessert. Cost: $7/adult, $5/under 12, or $25/family.

POPS Program: Going Native

The Benefits of Native Plants in Your Gardens

POPS Program: Going Native 
The Benefits of Native Plants in Your Gardens
FEB 26 | 6:30 pm

Kardia Rm 224
Last month, we learned our local climate is undeniably warming. Summers in Wilmington are getting hotter and longer. These changes are impacting how we garden, landscape and utilize natural resources. Join us as our Earth Care Team welcomes Sarah Anderson, SACPC's own expert Master Gardener and owner of Joyscapes Garden Design. Sarah will share how God designed plants and wildlife to depend on each other for survival and how restoring natives ensures the diversity that is crucial for the sustainability of all God's creation.

New SACPC Adult Social Group Forming

Friday, Feb. 28th
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The Tap Yard
502 S. 16th St.
Are you young at heart? Somewhere south of 60? Are you looking for ways to connect with other like-minded individuals at church? Well, we’ve got you covered!

We’re starting a new adult social group for those who are 25-60 years old! And, we’re kicking it off on Friday, February 28th at the new The Tap Yard on 16th Street (not the Tap House downtown)! Come join in on the fun!

Drop in as you’d like and stay for the BBQ food truck and open mic night, if you’d like. Look for me, MK Campbell. If you don’t know me, I’m short, have short brown hair and go to the contemporary service.

We plan to do this once a month, and will be looking to you all for ideas, locations and of course, a name! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Membership Exploration Class

Are you interested in learning more about SACPC and/or becoming a member? Join us for our membership exploration class on March 9th & 16th at 10:00 am in the Dining Room. Rev. Harrington will lead this class with a general overview of St. Andrews-Covenant and our ministries, as well as what it means to be part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study

Economic Climate Justice

Let Justice Roll Down Bible Study
MAR 11, 12, or 13 | 10:00 am
Dining Rm
March's Let Justice Roll Down Bible study will be led by Emily Donovan. The theme is Economic Climate Justice. The Bible's economic wisdom never promises to eradicate poverty: "You always have the poor with you," it says instead. But there are things we are called as Christians to do that can reduce suffering and strengthen the entire social network. We will explore scripture from Deut. 15:7-11; Matt 26:11; Mark 14:7; John 12:8.

All are invited to attend. The same lesson will be given on March 11th, 12th, and 13th at 10:00 am in Dining Room. See Katherine Brandi for details.

Ducks in a Row Class **Registration Required**

Ducks in a Row
MAR 18 | 1:00 pm
Kardia Rm 224
Ducks in a Row is a series of classes helping people prepare for the end of life decisions. Speaker topics include Advance Directives, Financial Planning, Estate Planning, Funeral Decisions. There are six classes, meeting every other week.

Registration is now open for a new Tuesday class which will meet from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm in Kardia Rm 224. This class begins on March 18th and ends on May 27th. Space is limited. There is a $40 fee to cover the cost of the workbook each attendee will use ($45 for a couple). Phyllis Smith is the facilitator. Click the "Learn More" button below to contact Phyllis and/or register.

Kindermusik Playdate Class **Registration Required**

Kindermusik Playdate
MAR 29 | 10:00 am
Children's Choir Rm
Registration is now open for a new Kindermusik Playdate for infants - 5 year olds. Kindermusik Playdates are a one-time class for parents, babies, and toddlers on the go! This Kindermusik experience celebrates joy, love, and connection through songs, games, and dances.

Families will engage in various play activities to promote social interaction, cooperation, creativity, and listening skills. You get the same Kindermusik fun and learning in the classroom . . . and the same high-quality music to enjoy at home, but in a stand-alone class so you can try it out! Space is limited. See Cindy Litzinger for details.

Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith

February Donation Drive

February 1st is National Freedom Day, which marks the culmination of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in January. The State Department estimates that 27.6 million people are currently the victims of human trafficking worldwide. As many as half of them are minors; 80% are female. Twenty years ago, when the United States passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, most people did not know that, in our modern era, people were still being held in slavery. In the subsequent decades, fortunately, that many Americans have become aware of this tragedy.

In New Hanover County, we are blessed with several ministries that are providing services to local victims. One of those is A Safe Place, which Go & Serve supports annually through our budget. A Safe Place opened a shelter for victims in 2012 and has expanded its services to include counseling, case management, and an outreach center, primarily to young women and teen girls exiting, or trying to exit, the sex trade. If you have questions about human trafficking see Understanding Human Trafficking from the State Department.

This month we will be collecting items for this vital ministry including the following:
  • Journals 
  • Adult coloring books
  • Gel pens for coloring
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper 

Or visit their Amazon Wish List to donate items to them directly.  To learn more about A Safe Place, visit their website at:

March Donation Drive

Good Shepherd, Salvation Army & Rescue Mission

During March, Go & Serve will be collecting non-perishable foods for Good Shepherd, Salvation Army, and the Rescue Mission. Suggested food items include:

  • cereal 
  • pasta
  • pasta sauce
  • canned fruits and vegetables (including #10 cans)
  • canned soup
  • packaged snacks
  • canned chicken or tuna 

Please bring your donations to the 15th Street lobby. Thank you for loving our neighbors in need in this way.

Children | Contact Lynn Warner

Camp Fusion Registration NOW OPEN

We are thrilled to announce Year Two of an incredible summer camp opportunity for children ages preschool - 5th grade. Get ready for CAMP FUSION 2025: Putting Our Trust in  God. This one-of-a-kind experience combines the elements of VBS, music and creative arts!


Dates: June 16 - 20, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - noon
Ages: 3 years old (potty-trained) - not yet completed Kindergarten
Cost: $30/child

Preschool  campers will experience all the fun-filled morning activities which include Bible stories, crafts, and music;  however, they will not participate in the afternoon program. 

Camp Fusion

Dates: June 16 - 20, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Ages: Grades K - 5th (completed)
Cost: $120/child

Grades K - 5th campers will embark on a journey of faith, creativity, and expression. They will have the chance to deepen their understanding of the Bible through engaging lessons and activities; as well as, explore their musical, dramatic and artistic talents. The week ends with a special performance on Friday, June 20th at 2:00 pm.

*Register Early - space is limited.*
*Need-based scholarships are available.*

Children's Events

Youth | Contact Jen Phelps

Youth Summer Trips Partial Scholarships Available

Friendly Reminder: We believe money should never be a reason why a youth is unable to attend our trips. We also don't want families to feel like they have to choose financially between attending a youth trip or doing a different activity. We have partial scholarships available to offset the cost of any youth trip. Please contact Jen for more information.

IMPORTANT Montreat Youth Conference UPDATE!

Unfortunately, due to multiple factors (Montreat housing, our budget, fees) the cost of the Montreat Youth Conference for high school students will be $700 per student. It was previously advertised at a lower fee, but adjustments are needed to cover our group's expenses.

Summer Trip Registration Opens MAR 2 at 8PM

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for all summer youth trips will open on Sunday, March 2nd at 8:00 pm via the mobile app. Here's a list and description of all trips:
Montreat Youth Conference
June 8 - 14, 2025
Cost: $700/student

This trip is open to current 9th - 12th graders. Spots are limited and will be open to members of our Youth Group initially; and then open to friends, if space allows.
Massanetta Middle School Conference
July 10 - 13, 2025
Cost: $400/student

This trip is open to current 6th - 8th graders. Spots are limited and will be open to members of our Youth Group initially; and then open to friends, if space allows.
CROSS Mission Trip
July 27 - August 1, 2025
Cost: $400/student

This trip is open to current 6th - 12th graders. We will travel to Charlotte, NC to participate in the CROSS Mission Program. This has been a favorite of students in years past and this summer's trip should live up to the hype! Spots are limited and will be open to members of our Youth Group initially; and then open to friends, if space allows.

March Madness Guys Night

Middle and high school guys are invited to Brown Hall to fellowship, games and the March Madness selection show on the big screen.  Friends are welcome and the ranch fountain will be flowing!

Youth Events

GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes

January Financial Highlight

Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community by providing beneficial programs and spiritual events that lift up, motivate, and provide joy!
Financial updates will be provided each month.  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,

CareLine Updates as of February 25, 2024

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:4-6

We Pray:

Nancy Benson, Jim’s mother, who has been hospitalized with the plan to be discharged to home this week.  Please pray for Jim and Kathy as they help to care for her.

Service Personnel:

Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA) , Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas-deployed to Poland 11-24), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City)

Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.

Hospitalizations: Please click 
here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.

Birthday Celebrations |  FEB 25 - MAR 4, 2025

February 25: Bob Thurston
February 26: Thom Potratz, Tommy Wallace
February 27: Barbara Avent, Charles Gainey, Allen Michael Kraus, Paul Richardson, Carolyn Wells
February 28: Kathy Benson, Nancy Bullard, Kurt Kronenfeld, Sue McCaffray, Parker Lucas
March 1: Gwen Behen, Eli Huss, Michelle Lucas, Craig Murden
March 2: Abigail Holder, Kelly Laham, Thomas Smith
March 3: Jack Richardson, Clyde Strassner, Emily Vassar
March 4: Mary Margaret Burney, Maggie Mortenson
View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203

For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207

For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (

For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201

For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229

Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at






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