SACPC Weekly Updates for Jan. 14 - 21, 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

This Sunday

"It's Complicated"

Jen Phelps, guest speaker
Our Youth Director, Jen Phelps, has a report from her Sabbatical last Fall.  It might bring up more questions than answers, it did for Jen!

Previous Contemporary Worship

Previous Traditional Worship


Congregational Meeting | Jan. 26th @ 10:50 am

by Katie Harrington
There will be a congregational meeting on January 26th at 10:50 am in the Sanctuary for the purpose of receiving a report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee.

Save the Date | Unity Sunday & Winter Carnival

Sunday, February 16th

by Lynn Warner & Katie Harrington
There will be only one worship service at 10:00 am on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2025 as we enjoy a church-wide unity service in the Sanctuary. This service is designed to bring our congregation together as one body, sharing our faith and strengthening our bond as a church family. We hope to see you there!

PLEASE NOTE: No children or youth Sunday School on Feb. 16th. Adults, check with your Sunday School leader to determine if you will meet.
After the unity service, the entire congregation is invited to join us at 11:30 am in Brown Hall for fellowship, fun, lunch, games, prizes, service projects! Something for all ages!!!  More information coming soon.

What's In Session

December 2024 Report

Reverend Harrington called the meeting to order and called on Jim Benson who offered a musical Christmas devotion with his barbershop quartet.

Guests attending the meeting were new Officer Candidates and Deacons. Elders and officer candidates divided into small groups for new officer examinations.  Following the examinations, a motion was made to sustain officer examinations. The motion was approved by Session.

Ordination and Installation of new officers will be held during both worship services on January 12, 2025.

Four new members were received in November: Cynthia Semones, Terry Boyd, Joe Brisindi and Douglas Mortenson—all by reaffirmation of faith.

November baptisms:  Walker Davis Gould, Mary Charlotte Mitchell, McCalla Catherine James, Mary Louise Jenkins, Jeffrey “Rowe” Jenkins, and Mary Grayson Streisel.

Rehearsal is Session’s monthly “what if” scenario that allows us to discern what our procedure might be in a possible situation.  This month’s issue was a fictitious concern expressed by an at-large church member serving on the Building and Grounds team who felt a church-hired landscaping company owned by the spouse of a current Elder might be a conflict of interest.  Our policies say if this relationship is disclosed and the quote is within reason, this is acceptable, and church members would be assured protocol is being followed.

As of this meeting, 169 pledges have been received.  More are anticipated.

Tony Colmenares has been hired as SACPC’s facilities manager and starts work 1/6/25.

APNC continues its work.

Session thanked the elders who are rolling off and who will attend their final committee meetings in January.

Session presented Reverend Harrington and Reverend Smith with thank you gifts.

Reverend Harrington was excused while Session discussed and approved the proposed Terms of Call as presented by the HR committee.

Prayer requests were listed, and Reverend Harrington offered a closing prayer.

Announcing 2025 Malawi Trip June 23rd - July 3rd

by Shelley Hobson
The Malawi Partnership Team is beginning the process of planning a trip for members of SACPC who would like to meet our partners in Chuluchosema this summer when it will be winter in Malawi.

Silas Ncozana and Joseph Maganga will host us from our arrival on June 24th until our departure on July 2nd. The travel team will participate in worship at Chuluchosema with Katie preaching, join villagers and church members for Bible study, help with teaching and utilize skills from team members (medical, technology, teaching, sewing, etc.). For example, participants with medical expertise might run a clinic to screen for hypertension. We will visit village schools, as well as meeting Street Kids at Zomba Primary School.  We will have fellowship with Chuluchosema families and be immersed in the Warm Heart of Africa.

If you are interested, please plan to come to an information meeting to be held as part of POPS programming on Wednesday, February 12th. You can also click the "Learn More" button below to access the trip application and FAQs document. If you have specific questions now, please click here to email Ed Hobson.

Men's Pickleball Resumes JAN 7th

by Warren McMurry
Men of all ages are invited to play pickleball on our newly refurbished indoor courts. We meet every Tuesday from January 7th to the end of May in Brown Hall from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm.

Bring your own paddle, if you have one--though it's not necessary, and a water bottle to stay hydrated. We have balls. Guests are welcome. See Warren McMurray for more details.

Welcome New Members!

Brian & Kara Johnson

On May 19, 2024, we welcomed Brian and Kara Johnson to the official roll at SACPC. They and their children have been actively serving in the life of the church for quite a few years. Kara teaches in our SACPC preschool program and has been an instrumental part of VBS in the summers. Brian is employed by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy.  

Brian and Kara are originally from Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC respectively. At one time Brian served in the US Navy. Three things to note about Kara are that 1) she loves animals, 2) She loves working with kids, and 3) she lived in Italy for 3 years. They are the proud parents of Emma (who was born in Italy), Cameron and Eliza (both born in Wilmington) who have all grown up in SACPC.

Invitations from neighborhood friends brought this couple to our church. Kara simply said it was God who brought them! Isn’t that how God works?! We are glad they accepted and found their church family here.

David & Emily Donovan

If you have seen our wonderful church online newsletter, then you have seen a portion of the tremendous work of Emily, our SACPC Communications Director, who with husband David, officially joined our membership roll on May 19, 2024. They are familiar faces around here, as are their son Finnlay and daughter Mirabelle. All are very active in the life of this church family.

David and Emily came to us by letter of transfer from Grace United Methodist Church in Wilmington, NC. Before joining our staff, Emily formed and led a youth ministry program at Little Chapel on the Boardwalk over a six-year period. David is an Electrical Engineer with GE Nuclear and is active at SACPC with the Earth Care Team alongside Emily. He is a supportive dad of the twins in their varied activities.

As our Communications Director, Emily is responsible for SACPC digital communications, keeping the congregation and community engaged and informed via website, app, social media, newsletters, and other media outlets. We are pleased to say that Emily has also had the loving support of her family as she has also embarked over the past few years on a mission to bring to light the grave issue of chemical waste pollution in our Cape Fear River by DuPont/Chemours. She is co-founder of Clean Cape Fear, has met the president of the United States and has testified before Congress twice! She has also gained the attention of The United Nations Human Rights Council to address business-related human rights abuse in our community related to the dumping of PFAS contaminants into the source of our drinking water supply (The Cape Fear River). If you want to know more, she will gladly share with you.

Please take time to get to know new members David and Emily!

Facilities Manager Update

by Catheryn Thomas
Our beloved Jeff Krebbs is leaving our staff to pursue new opportunities; please pray for success in his new endeavors. Now we welcome a new Facilities Manager, Tony Colmenares. Tony comes to us with previous church facilities experience and is ready to jump right in and serve SACPC. Please welcome and encourage Tony when you meet him!

Thursday Night Disciples Invites You to Read Dallas Willard's "Divine Conspiracy" With Us

by Sue McCaffray
What could be better than gathering to talk about the big questions once a week from the comfort of your own home? Join us via Zoom on Thursdays from JAN 30th - MAR 6th, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Our topic this time will be a well known book by a leading Christian scholar, Dallas Willard, called The Divine Conspiracy. Willard discusses God's purposes for us and our relationship with God. Reading Willard's whole book is optional, but not necessary for participation.

Each week we view a short video together and respond to questions we have read in advance in our participant's guide. Each person purchases this guide on his or her own for about $10. Contact Dave Hoff for more information and to get the zoom link. You are welcome even if you must miss one or two of the meetings. It's fun!

Thank You from Barker Family

by Rosalind Barker
Jim and I can’t thank you enough for your cards, phone calls and well wishes for his speedy recovery from triple bypass surgery and your kind encouragement in the loss of my dad. You are what makes this church truly the body of Christ.

2025-2026 Preschool Registration

by René Sasser
Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year is just around the corner! Registration for currently enrolled families will begin on January 8th. Priority registration for SACPC families begins January 13th with enrollment opening to the general public on January 15th.

We are excited to begin planning for the next school year. We know the importance of an enriching, encouraging, and engaging preschool experience. If you or someone you know is looking for a faith based preschool that encourages children to develop at their own rate spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and cognitively, please consider SACPC Preschool.

 We cherish the time we have with the children and families in our school. Please email René Sasser. Preschool Director, to schedule a tour of the preschool, for more information, or for a link to the registration form.

Holy Happenings @ SACPC 

POPS Meals Menu

JAN 15 | 5:30 pm

Brown Hall
Come have dinner with your church family this Wednesday! Menu: Salad, Chili, Cornbread, and Dessert. Cost: $25/family $7/adult $5/under 12.

POPS Program: Understanding Foster Care

POPS Program
JAN 15 | 6:30 pm

Kardia Rm 224
Go and Serve presents guest speaker Brianna Beadell, family recruitment specialist for the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina. Brianna will talk about foster care and what it involves. Foster care is a unique opportunity to serve at risk children in the county. Even those for whom foster care is not an option, however, will learn how they can best support those who are called to serve in this way.

POPS Program: History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

POPS Program
JAN 22 | 6:30 pm

The Let’s Talk About It Team will host A Brief History of the Arab-Israeli conflict with guest speaker UNCW History Professor Steve McFarland. Steve teaches global history and the history of technology and air power in the Department of History at UNCW. He will lead us through a brief review of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how it affects the current situation in Gaza.

Music on Market: Onyx Club Boys

Music on Market: Onyx Club Boys Quartet
JAN 25 | 7:30 pm

Brown Hall
Music on Market is proud to bring Onyx Club Boys Quartet to its concert series~ Indulge in the captivating rhythms and infectious energy of a gypsy jazz quartet (violin, guitar, upright bass, and drums) as they transport you to the vibrant streets of 1930’s Paris and Stuff Smith's New York City Swing. Their diverse influences will take the music beyond borders. Join them for a trip around the world, which will make you swoon, tap your feet, and realize how universally similar music really is.

POPS Program: Preparing for Climate Change's Effects in Wilmington

POPS Program
JAN 29 | 6:30 pm

Kardia Rm 224
Did you know Wilmington has the longest continuous climate record in the state? It dates back to 1871. Join us as Tim Armstrong from the National Weather Service in Wilmington discusses how climate change has impacted local preparedness strategies including hurricanes, sea level rise, and extreme rainfall. He'll also show us how the climate has changed in Wilmington using over 150 years of recorded data.

Go & Serve | Contact Gary Smith

January Donation Drive

January is the month we will be collecting Mercy Pouch supplies.  Last year, we distributed approximately 1,200 pouches. Thank you!!!

The bulletin board located at the 15th Street Sanctuary entrance has tickets of the items needed.  Please take one or more tickets as you can and help purchase these items which are:
  • Individual fruit and pudding cups
  • Tuna or chicken pouches
  • Water
  • Crackers
  • Band-aids
  • Gallon zip lock bags.  

Thank you again for your contributions and for distributing these pouches to our neighbors in need.  

Volunteer Opportunity Soaring As Eagles

2025 Saturday Academy

Soaring As Eagles Saturday Academy takes a village … and we can’t do it with YOU!

Join us as a cherished volunteer for more fun this coming year! The 2025 Saturday Academy will help 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders from Title 1 schools improve their End of Grade (EOG) test scores through experiential learning. We’ll meet eight Saturdays, January through May, at GLOW Academy, 4100 Sunglow Drive in Wilmington.  The students will be served breakfast and then enjoy working with volunteers on a range of fun, educational activities in small group settings.

Last year, Soaring As Eagles provided tutoring to over 60 young students in our community. This year, we’re looking to reach even more students … but we can’t do that without your help! Below is the link to sign-up. Volunteer for one Saturday … sign up for all … any help is greatly appreciated!  

Saturday Academy is truly a rewarding experience for both students AND volunteers! If you have questions or need more info, click here to contact Emily Vassar or call (910) 274-4788. 

Children | Contact Lynn Warner

Save the Date | Camp Fusion is JUN 16th - 20th

Camp Fusion is our VBS, Music, and Art program! The program is for Pre K - 6th Grade. The schedule is:

Pre-K Camp Fusion
Ages: 3 years old (potty trained) - those who have not completed Kindergarten
9:00 am - Noon

Camp Fusion
Ages: Grades K - 6th (completed)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)


Children's Events

Youth | Contact Jen Phelps

Youth Events

GIVING | Contact Susan Dykes

November Financial Highlight

Thank you for contributing to the work and love of Jesus through St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Your gifts enable us to stay Faithfully Present in Our Community by providing beneficial programs and spiritual events that lift up, motivate, and provide joy!

As of the end of November, giving is below budget expectations, resulting in a year-to-date shortfall of $102,108. So that we can continue to spread the Word of God, as well as serve our congregation and the community, please prayerfully consider giving to help rebound from this deficit.
Financial updates will be provided each month.  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Dykes, Financial Administrator, 910-762-9693x207,; or our Church Treasurer, Ed Hobson,

CareLine Updates as of January 14, 2024

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:4-6

We Celebrate:

W.D. "Doc" Rippy celebrated his 103 birthday on January 13th.

We Pray:

Carol Herring, mother of Russell Herring, who is receiving hospice care.

Mack Lawson, who has upcoming surgery planned for January 16th.

We Grieve:

The family of Ronnie Smith.  A private family service was held for Ronnie Smith, son of Judy Hartz, on Friday, January 10, at Padgett Funeral Home in Wallace, with Robb Lapp officiating.  His ashes were scattered at the site of his father's gravesite in Garland.

Lynnette Caison, mother of Hugh Caison, who died on January 12th.

Service Personnel:

Billy Purdom (USS Stout DDG ), Smith Beacham (Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK), Jack Looney (USS Carl Vinson, San Diego, CA) , Samuel Makepeace (Fort Moore, Georgia), Brennan Litzinger (Fort Bliss, Texas-deployed to Poland 11-24), Mikayla Reifert (Kadena, Japan), Bradley Garrett (Coast Guard, Elizabeth City)

Prayer requests: Click here to tell us about your need.

Hospitalizations: Please click 
here to email Katie Harrington or call the church office at 910.762.9693 to leave a message.

Birthday Celebrations |  JAN 14 - 21, 2024

January 14: Catherine Beaman
January 15: Ryder McEwen, Mike McGowan, Olivia Phelps
January 16: Pat Litzinger
January 18: Sara Bryant, Sandra Floyd, William Gwathmey, Missy Lawrence, Dennis Smith, Logan Stewart, Vickie Van Note
January 19: Lisa Hill, Rita Pasquariello
January 20: Harriss Haskett, Anna Pilson
January 21: Kara Johnson, Gilbert Joyner
View our most recent Session Reports.
SACPC Contacts
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

For pastoral concerns:
Katie Harrington
910-762-9693 x203

For financial questions:
Susan Dykes; x207

For newsletter, website, social media, and other communication questions:
Emily Donovan (

For the front desk:
call 910-762-9693 x201

For facility use reservations, Memorial Garden & The Block information:
Catheryn Thomas; x229

Session Contacts: If you have questions, concerns or recommendations feel free to contact any session member individually or email the session at






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